Saturday, June 13, 2020

Friday Night with Friends-the Virtual edition!

Actually it's always virtual but it sounded more fun this way!  I always sew on both my Thursday and my Friday nights-cause Cheryl is "Down Under" and it's confusing.

So on Thursday night I finished these:

Then began the twosies for the flip flop blocks.  On Friday I finished all those and began the foursies.

I should get them all sewn together today but then comes the spin, press and trim for what seems a million four-patches!  At any rate I should get them finished this week.

Otherwise, I finished ALL of the garden projects this past two weeks!  Now there is only: weed, water, feed, repeat!  Okay, I do have some small chores-laying the soaker hoses, and straw over the veggies (if the radishes and beets will ever get big enough!) In there fall there will be a few more projects but for now I'm done.  I'm planning to show you my garden tomorrow!


Cheryll said...

Thanks for joining in FNwF... it's always FuN to stitch with others... virtually or in person.

Chookyblue...... said...

time zones do get confusing......nice blocks......

a good yarn said...

Nice work! Your blocks look great and I'm looking forward to seeing your garden post.

Susie H said...

Nice job on your pink blocks. Keep knocking out those twosies & foursies and pretty soon you'll have something! See you next month!
PS I looked at some of your garden pictures & post. Wow! You are ambitious!