Friday, April 3, 2020

A Day in the life

Of a hermit.  A hermit is defined as a person living in seclusion, recluse.  I'm owning that word. Plus, it's much simpler to type than social distancing. 

So, here's how my day goes.  I get up when I wake up or Quinn decides we've had enough sleep.  Sometime between 5am and 7am.  I like it when it's later, not an early morning person.  Quinn gets brekkie and I get coffee.  I plan the day and just attempt the whole waking up thing,  Then I do what I call personal care-you know brush teeth, comb hair, wash face-and routine home keeping. Then I go down to the "Gym".  I use that term loosely just as I do "work-out."  Here, I stretch, do some exercises, ride my bike (this too is loosely used as I still cannot do a full rotation on the pedals.  I think I might be hitting 80%.) then I row.  I've only just begun doing this so it will take more time as I go on.

After "working out" I do home keeping chores, or work on special projects.  Today, I began work on the grout in the hall bath, taking the legs off the table to be repurposed and fought ants.  Yes, ants.  In my cacti upstairs.  Have no idea where they came from but they have made themselves at home and I have no ant killer stuff so I'm drowning and smashing them.  That's an ongoing thing.
Sometime, between 10 and 12 I have brunch, and clean that up.
Then I spend time on the computer.  Family History research, and a Great Course on Writing better Sentences.
I'm going to work on the Word Press thing next and get going on learning French.
Practice the piano and guitar.
Then, I'll have dinner.  Tonight that's sweet beans. 
After that, I'll go down to the studio!

Which seriously needs better lighting!
I stitch away while listening/watching the telly until I'm tired enough for sleep.
In between all that I pick up Kindle or book and read some, and play with Quinn.
(her favorite games are Keep away and Soccer but she cheats at soccer.)
I am trying to change some habits and create some as well.

Has becoming a hermit changed much in my life. 

I don't go out to eat or shop,
my doctors appointments have been canceled, 
and I miss my family terribly.
I am not particularly anxious about the current situation.  
I had to turn off the news completely as it was making me anxious.
I don't find the numbers helpful as they only tell half the story.
You can find the number of cases and deaths very easily but finding the number of those who have recovered not so much.  That is part of the story and provides perspective.

I feel guilty that I am not anxious.
I am fortunate that I have a comfortable home,
enough to eat (even though I am running low on some things.)
I am well and my family is well (and employed)
The children are doing fine with on-line education. 
 So, other than the concern I have with going to the grocery store and worry that the bans will be lifted too soon and a second round will begin life is good.

I hope that is true for all of you.
Blessed Be.

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