Forgive me, I am practicing social distancing!
While I did go food shopping,
and yes, I bought toilet paper but only because I was out,
I did not stock up in anticipation of quarantine.
Quinn and I live a fairly quiet life.
I am an introvert who is quite happy by myself,
So, giving up going out to dinner, or shopping for a while isn't going to cause me any pain.
I'd say it would help my bankbook except -- Amazon!
So far I have no signs of the virus and I did that crazy thing-
I flew to San Diego and home.
That's considered risky for a senior citizen but I didn't see this coming when I set the trip up and I NEEDED both to see my son and his family (he's still struggling to get over Pneumonia secondary to the flu and his Mama was worried) and to get out of my own head for a while.
I've been to San Diego many times so I tried some new things this trip.
I had a massage and a facial--my reaction to both, I feel sticky! I doubt I'll do it again.
Nora's school had a talent show, I hardly ever get to see her participate in any thing so that was terrific. (Good thing it wasn't scheduled for this coming week as the schools there have closed.)
We went to the Art Gallery, in Balboa Park, and that was new as well.
Then there were old favorites:
a trip to Rosie's Calico Cupboard for a few pieces of fabric,
a trip to the Wild Animal Park-loved seeing the giraffes up close,
a visit to see the sea lions followed by a walk on the beach,
a visit to one of my favorite places-Cabrillo National Monument
Agave plant, sometimes called a Century plant, the flower stalk must have been thicker than my wrist and 7 feet tall. |
Agave Blossoms- hunt for the hummingbird! Here's a hint-on the right side and the center blossom. |
It was quite windy up there and these flowers where dancing! |
At the tide pools. I did not go down to the water as it is a bit tricky (okay a lot tricky and scary) and my knee is still iffy on uneven terrain.
Girl Scout cookie sales ended while I was there-my Girl Scout-that would be Nora-sold nearly 2500 boxes and raised her total lifetime sales to 5000. She will be the first 4th grader to do so! |
On my last day, Nora, Candice and I went out on a whale watching boat.
We did finally see three humpback whales but we saw hundreds of common dolphins!
They were fun to watch as they bow surfed.
Lesson from a dolphin-have FUN no matter what!
I had a wonderful time and came home refreshed.
So I feel capable of handling the current crisis.
As far as I know there are 4 cases of the virus in Missouri, and 7 in Kansas.
(Remember, I live on the border between the two sates.)
The Governor has declared a State of Emergency as has the Mayor of Kansas City.
No meetings over 1000 people, most museums are closed for the duration, schools are still open- although many are on Spring Break-all are planning distance learning. The universities went to distance learning last week and most students went home.
All the my adult guys are working at home-they're all computer geeks.
Bri is County Clerk and she has to postpone the April election which is causing her trouble. Apparently, no one ever thought about the need for this.
Professional and collegiate sports-stopped for the moment.
Concerts etc, postponed or cancelled.
Baseball opening day? I think it has been postponed!
I think it's the same everywhere but putting it here will help me remember.
I plan to spend my time reading, stitching, and working at Family history perhaps I'll even get finished with setting up the Word Press blog and moving his one over!
One can only hope.