Friday, August 9, 2019

Surprises. . .

Last week,
or maybe the one before,
I looked out the patio door and saw pink in the grass!
When I went to satisfy my insatiable curiosity I discovered. . 
Moss Rose,
and lots of it.
I didn't plant it out there,
well, not intentionally anyway.
Each fall I dump all the pots and clean them,
at this house I have several VERY low spots in the yard.
Which hold rain water in a big way!
That's where I put the dirt.
I must have emptied the pot that held the Moss Rose last!
It self seeded.
Pretty amazing considering the horrid winter we had.
Now, when I look out the door
I hope to see pink.
Sad to say,
every time we mow they get cut down.
Doesn't seem fair somehow.
Still it is a lovely surprise when I that spot of pink appears!

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