Last Friday my daughter, Elizabeth, and I left Kansas City and headed west to San Diego CA.
All to visit my oldest son, Steve, his wife, Candice and this girlie! Currently, my only granddaughter, NORA! Who turned 9 just recently! (She will be joined by another granddaughter in December-which will bring the count to 4 boys ad 2 girls)
She is a hoot and delightful! Being silly with her hot chocolate!
This is Saturday morning. This is always a whirlwind of a trip and certain things simply MUST be done when I am there.

We took a Gondola ride on
Coronado Island after a great dinner at the Fish Market on the bay the first night. I had never been over the bridge to the island and the ride took us among the boats of the wealthy and their bayside homes. Interesting but not my lifestyle.
After Saturday's Breakfast silliness we were off to
Penzy's to pick up a free box of samples and some jars of spices--I found Fines Herbs! Been looking everywhere for that!
Then it was off to La Jolla to see the seals at the Children's Pool. No children are allowed to swim there now as the Seals and Sea Lions have taken it over! It was fun to stand on the breakwater and watch the seals swimming in the Pacific! There were also lots of Pelicans, no sea lions that day.
A short drive later and we are at La Jolla Shores beach headed toward the tide pools. Along the way we found all these
TINY sand dollars! I even managed to get them home without breaking them!
Nora found an Octopus (Very small and I never did see it for the silt) we saw lots of sea urchins and very small conches while we clambered over the rocks.
On Sunday, Beth and I wanted to go the San
Diego Zoo's Safari Park so we were up quite early and eating breakfast when Nora joined us (Steve and Candice came later) We opened the place and closed it as well! I think Beth's step counter said 18,000 steps for that day!
I've been several times and always enjoy it-think it's the closest I'll ever get to seeing the animals in the wild. Best parts for me: watching the keepers feed the Gorillas! Especially the one that kept begging for more by holding its arms up! And the baby elephants-one born in August and one in September, just adorable little ones. The Park is heavily into the breeding of endangered species and works worldwide to save wildlife.
Monday, as Steven had to work and Nora was off to school we set off for some other more Touristy sites.
First up was
Old Town. I had never been and neither had she so we walked about being tourists!
Then we headed to one of my very favorite places-THE DOG BEACH! Of course, we got lost along the way. I know how to find things there just well enough to get lost each and every time I go there! But we did find it at last, thank you google maps! Both Beth and I are serious Dog people and sitting there watching dogs have such a blast both in and out of the water is just so FUN! The dogs love it-in fact one dog on his way home just laid down in the sand-still with his ball in his mouth while his Mom walked away. We said "look he dosen't want to go home!" She said-"It's a stand off every day!" Then she said "Well, see you later" and the dog ran after her. Still makes me smile.

The last place we headed before I took her to the airport as she was leaving before me was to Seaport Village for a little shopping!
Not all my purchases but. . . I love glass and miniatures so a little (not tiny) turtle and a tiny dolphin both of glass.

And a Harry Potter mug!
Mischief has been managed for this post!
(And I am home again!)
PS-This blog is kind of a mess! But I've fought and fought with Blogster and I GIVE UP!