This spot on the sofa in the living room has been my home for the past week.
The first few nights I even slept on it as more comfort was to be found in sitting up!
I have been completely freed of medical devices!
It was amazing how quickly I went from irritation to painlessness just by having a small piece of tubing removed!
So, while I've been sitting/ laying here
-conserving strength
while attempting to get and stay warm during a two day ice event-
I've done some family history research on the computer.
I received my DNA results and have been playing around with online databases.
I've read SO MANY BOOKS.
I don't really want to read right now!
That'a a shocker.
I brought up some hand stitching but the sofa isn't really comfortable for that
so not a stitch has been taken.
Perhaps today.
Speaking of today,
I plan to make some Granny blocks
And maybe move the computer back to the office,
A strange yellow light
has appeared in the sky this morning!
I'm not sure as it's been some time since I've seen it but I think it's the SUN!
I may just have to sit and look at blue sky for a bit!
Which I can do from the sofa
when I get tired.
So, never fear I am only gently pushing myself to do more than sit.