
Thursday, December 14, 2017

Thursday's Christmas Cuteness

Brought to you by Jim Shore!
I only have two pieces by him as they are pricey.
This one I bought in Des Moines, IA at the Machine Shed eatery.
Larry and I had driven up to have lunch with our oldest, Steve.
He was working in Minneapolis and drove down from there.
Not long after Steve returned to San Diego and found a new job!
He hates cold weather-his father's child in that respect.

I spent a good amount of time in the studio yesterday.
I'd like to say it was all sewing. 
Sadly, not the case.
One, it looks like a tornado struck my work space!
(Now somewhat better but more to do today)
Two, I had un-sewing to do.
The back of Brayden's trip keeps stretching (Flannel) and that means wrinkles!
So, today I will spray starch that sucker until it's stiff!
Then re-pin the quilt for the 3rd time.
(It's okay though, I really needed to use a larger batt and now I will.)
Meanwhile, Ethan's Trip is taking shape and Ryan's is being cut.
I hope to work on Nora's stocking, cross-stitch, tonight.
I've had that in progress for a couple of years!

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