
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Mischef managed. . .

In that I finished putting up all the Christmas stuff!  Yay! Not only that, I've cleaned up the mess.  There will be much sorting of this stuff after the holidays-I have WAY too much and some things did not find homes.

Rather than bury you in photos all at once I'm going to send you one each day!  Of Course, not all of the ones I planned to use are fit so I have to go take more!

Little skaters from the North Pole Village.  This one sits on my piano where you can watch the skaters go round and round.  (Powered by electricity and magnets!)

I have nearly finished my shopping- just Ryan left.   Well,  there are numerous small gifts to buy for the "Big Kids" gift bags.  Cards to write but I'm moving right along.  I don't do any baking until the week of Christmas so it's fresh.

Here's hoping you are enjoying the holidays!

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