Happy New Year to one and all! Bright Blessings on you and yours!
One of my goals for 2015 is to blog every day( and include more photos)--wonder how that will go? My list of goals is quite long, it looks like I will be quite busy this year. Perhaps that's a good thing as I will have something to blog about! Not too many people read this blog but I keep it as sort of a Journal so writing each day will be a good thing.
I spent most of New Year's Eve talking on the phone with an old friend. I haven't spoken to her in a couple of years so it takes a long time to catch up. Like me she's a widow and we talk about that journey, I'm a little further along the path than she is but we are slowly coming back to ourselves. I really hope it won't be two years before we speak again! In fact I think I'll put a "To Do" on my calendar to call her in a couple of months-maybe for lunch.
Today I have "The Big boys" Ethan is now included in that list but only because Ryan is "the little boy!" They should give me something to write about! And some photos, too!
Happy New Year Gail! I'm hoping to blog each week and thought I might include the odd post about some of the history and buildings of the area where I live. Gives me an excuse to visit some historical sights I've been procrastinating about too. Of course, coffee/cake and fabric will be included as often as possible!