
Monday, December 29, 2014

Meet Ryan!

I'd like to introduce you to Ryan Lennon Fines!  Born on Christmas Day, 2014 after an exciting and terrifying delivery!  Ryan has long gap esophageal atresia-which means that he has a gap in his esophagus so he cannot take feedings by mouth (more on that in a minute) this condition also creates excessive amounts of amniotic  fluid and usually results in premature delivery.  Poor Bri was just beyond misery at 34 weeks!  On Christmas day at 3:37 pm I got a text message "Bri's water Broke" the doctors had told them that should that happen they were to call an ambulance which they did.  Scott said it was a wild ride at 70mph down the highway with the sirens blaring!  Almost as soon as they arrived I got a text "emergency c-section" and Ryan was born at 4:47!  Momma hit every goal the doctors had--34 weeks gestation, he was born at 34 weeks and 1 day, and over 3 pds, he weighed 4.5 lbs--and watched her stomach go down as 30 pounds of fluid left her body!

I made a mad flight from Beth's house where we were eating dinner to my house, packed, got gas in the truck and drove to St Louis to arrive at St Louis Children's hospital at 10:30pm.  Even then Ryan was doing well, really red and on a little oxygen.  Mama was recovering and enjoying the fact that she could turn over in bed!

On Friday Ryan had a gastric tube inserted so he can be fed directly into his tiny tummy and he did really well with that as well.  Since he has long gap it will be some time before he has it corrected as they will wait for him to grow.  Scott said they will do a test next week to determine how long the gap is and that will give them more of a time line for the procedure.  He's tolerating breast milk via the feeding tube just fine and they increased his feedings from 2ml to 3ml yesterday.  Boy, a full tummy can sure make you sleepy! Also he hates all the tube and wires!  He pulled his nasal oxygen out more than once and yesterday he pulled his heart monitor wires loose-he really doesn't like the suction line in his mouth but so far he's left that one in!

Mama was discharged yesterday, looking much more like herself!  Ryan will remain at Children's for some time yet as he is a preemie, but the outlook is great!  He has none of the other birth defects associated with EA for which we are all grateful.

Our family's Christmas miracle!

1 comment:

  1. Well hello there young man! That was quite an entrance to the world. Both mum and bub are doing remarkably well considering and as Ryan seems such a plucky wee lad I suspect he will continue to improve.
