
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Washington Coast Trip 2012 Days 1

I left home about 9:30 yesterday morning, I'd finished packing the truck, had Quinn loaded and was getting ready to back up the drive when I remembered. . . I forgot the food in the frig I intended to take along!  So, whew, I wasn't disappointed at lunch time!

I drove north and a little west on Interstate 29, once I was over the Missouri River I followed alongside the river through northern Missouri and then the entire State of Iowa.  The Missouri river valley is very wide and flat with only bluffs on the far side of the river and the Loess Hills in Iowa.  I didn't stop except for lunch etc as it was hot and I can't leave Quinn in the truck for long.  I did see the Sgt Floyd monument ( Lewis and Clark Expedition:  Only member of the crew to die and he apparently died of appendicitis) in Sioux City.  It's a large obelisk and very visible from the highway.  I might have taken a closer look but traffic was horrid due to orange barrels (road construction) so I didn't get off the interstate.  All along the route there are signs and interpretative areas about the Lewis and Clark Expedition and while I have always thought their journey was amazing the land has been changed by "civilization" so I don't find it all that interesting.  They basically all have the same information as we used at the Trails Museum so I don't find them that interesting-either that or I've lost interest in learning about that.

Pulled into Sioux Falls, South Dakota about 4:30 and checked into a hotel.  Found dinner and a park to walk in then moseyed on back to the hotel and hit the pillows.  Long day, tired, didn't take a single picture.

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