
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Washington Coast Trip 2012 Day two

Quinn and I were up at our usual time,  then found a really nice park-Veterans Memorial-and took a walk for 45 minutes or so.  It was cool and I like to get Quinn a little tired before we hit the road.  After I loaded up (not an easy task as we had a 2nd floor room without an elevator!  Normally, I wouldn't mind but Quinn's crate is heavy!) and had breakfast we hit the road.  This time Interstate 90 across South Dakota.  Originally, I had thought I'd stay on 29 until I reached I-94 in North Dakota but I really want to get to the mountains!

We stop often and walk around, Quinn sniffs a lot, etc.  First stop today was at the Corn Palace.  Check this out!

All the decoration on the outside of the building was done with corn! They were working on a new look on one side but the detail is just unbelievable!

We just kept heading west, sometimes I think the great plains are entirely too "Great"!  We stopped at a rest area for lunch and a walk.  Overlooking the Missouri River route of Lewis and Clark.  An interesting sight the back of a keelboat replica protrudes from the north wall and you can takes stairs up and walk out on it!  Take a look at the Missouri River, pretty huh?

I just love signs like this one!

About this time I began noticing more and more motorcycles.  You always see some on the highway but it started to look like more than usual.  When I got to Wall, SD home of the infamous Wall Drug which I have seen signs for several hundred miles, I realized I had made an error in my route planning.  I forgot about Sturgis.  Or more specifically, the 75th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally!  About Wall motorcycles took over the road, the towns, etc etc etc.  I found a hotel room in Rapid City (kind of surprised me although it was pricey).  Went to the park to walk Quinn, then to Walmart for some laundry baskets (as usual I had to repack the truck!) and back to the hotel.  Quinn and I walked around the parking lot about 9pm and counted 80 Harley's in the parking lot!  Every parking lot for every hotel,  eating establishment, Walmart etc was packed with bikes (all Harley's)!

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