
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Signs of Spring!

I finally found my interest in accomplishing things this past week.  It could have been the 80 degree sunshine that did it!  The first (and largest) removal of leaves from flower beds was finished today, yeah!  All my plants except the hostas are up, and so are the dandy-lions, sigh. I will have to work at those this week between raindrops!  The house is cleaner-but really April is another big, deep cleaning month so for now I'll just tidy up.  Give it a "Lick and a promise" as my Granna would have said.

No sewing to mention, I spent a great deal of time cutting fabric for leader and ender projects, re-drew the little houses into inches and cut one of those out- thinking I'll shoot for 52 of those, depends on if I like doing them.  Cut out pink klosjes, etc.  Think the theme here is cut!  I will still need to find pastels and brights for the up-coming months but I am using up a lot of fabric, combining boxes already!  Although I haven't touched anything in the big pieces, sigh.

On other fronts, Quinn survived her spay surgery on Wednesday-lost a couple of baby teeth then as well- now if she can just survive the recovery time of "staying quiet."  I expect that by Monday we'll both be daft!  Brayden spent the week here for his spring break-trips to parks, ice cream cone eating, Lego playing, game playing with Aunt Tanya and some yard work.  He even took a nap one day-at 6 I don't push it but he does have to have a "rest" every day, he doesn't usually sleep 4 hours though, guess he was tired!

I have appointments with both Orthopedics and Podiatry this week, finally.

I'll leave you with Spring-ish garden photos:

Lenten Rose-Helitrope

Tiny violets in the lawn!

1 comment:

  1. Energy and interest levels peak and trough so you make the most of the highs and chill out on the lows. Like Brayden, I reckon I could Nanna Nap every afternoon for at least 3 hours! Ann :-)
