
Sunday, March 11, 2012

End of Winter Blues.

I have been bitten by the end of winter blues.  Happens nearly every year about this time no matter how much Vitamin D I take!  I have a week (or this year three) when I have no desire to do anything! I don't even want to read.  As a result I have accomplished very little on any of the many on-going projects and my house is now dirty to boot, sigh.  I really hope I'm over the hump, today I actually want to stitch.  Well, I wanted to take a walk but it's raining, sigh.  Quinn will be grumpy, especially after 6+ hours in the truck yesterday.

About those hours in the truck.  I hitched up the travel trailer (aka yard weight or caravan if you are down under) and drove to Council Bluffs, IA to leave it at Camping World to be (I hope, hope, hope) sold.  Up and back is 4oo miles-a long day.  On the way back I stopped off at a Quilt shop in Stewartsville, MO which has been listed as a top ten shop.  I bought a few fat quarters-I'm on a quest for purples and pastels as I know I don't have much purple for the scrap challenge and I need colors other than pink for the pastel quilt.  I also need oranges and I did get one but really this was to be a way to use up the scraps, not buy fabric!  I am using up scraps by the tub full so a few fat quarters will be ok.  I tried to visit a shop in Iowa but at 2pm on a Saturday they were already closed-go figure, it isn't in a small town either.  The drive up with the trailer was pretty rough, the wind just kept getting worse and the roads in Iowa are worse that the roads in Missouri (didn't really think that was possible).  Every bump pulling a trailer is felt in the truck twice-once for the truck, once for the trailer-then there's the swaying about with the wind, by the time we got there I was getting queasy and poor Quinn lost her breakie!  The way home was faster, but the wind was worse.  I swear NW Missouri was blowing into Iowa and Iowa was blowing into Minnesota! I drove home wearing a MIZZOU sweatshirt over a t-shirt (also MIZZOU) with the air conditioning on and Quinn's battery operated fan blowing on me!  The sun was shining in the front and Quinn was too hot!  All that fur does heat a girl up.

Tiring of finding music stations I listened to the basketball game on the radio and got home in time to watch the second half.  Our Tigers beat the Baylor Bears quite handily to win the Big 12 Conference tourney.  This one was really sweet as it is our last year in the Big 12, next year we move to the South East Conference (SEC).  I was pleased to do the happy dance to the strains of the Missouri Waltz and chant MIZ-ZOU echos with Rob and Tanya!

Hit the bed early though, all that driving is tiring and in my case painful.  The knee did not like being in one position all day and made me pay for it last night!  Finally, took a pain pill at 1:30am which did give me some relief.  Added to that last night was the beginning of Daylight Savings Time, ugh!  A nap my be required!


  1. Hi Gail,

    Do hope your feeling better soon. Nothing like a little sunshine to improve the amount of Vitamin D in pill form can do that. All the iron and vitamins I had to take with severe anemia couldn't do what going to the beach and soaking up the sun did.

    blessings, jilly

  2. Good grief! How on Earth did you keep your nerve? What a harrowing trip. We rarely get those kind of winds here. Home safe and sound now and that's a good thing. Ann :-)
