Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Really Good Day! Miraculous in fact!

This is Charley, one of my Sheltland Sheepdogs. Last March Charley was diagnosed with bladder cancer and I was told it was terminal. He began taking an anti-inflamitory medication to maybe control it but I was told 6 months would be a gift. This was especially hard because Larry was terminal then as well. Charley has been acting loopy, for lack of a better word and our vet wanted to check his urine for blood etc. So bright and early this morning we were off to see the vet. I was kind of expecting to be told that I might need to put him down soon. What a surprise. Charley's tumor hasn't grown and shows no signs of growing nor could the vet find any cancer cells in his urine, not only that his blood work came back completely normal and his cataracts aren't any worse. I would wonder about the diagnosis except we had the mass biopsied and both his urine and the biopsy read by a pathologist. My lovely vet, Dr Buckaloo, said he had never seen anything like it and even used the word "miracle." Charley goes medication free for a month as one of the side effects of this drug in humans (we're the ones it was created for) is going a little loopy. I am hoping he returns to a more normal state. I cannot tell you what a relief this is, he is such a sweet guy and the two of them keep me company (especially valuable right now) and help me meet new people where ever we go. It seems that folks just can't resist gorgeous, sweet faced shelties!
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Anonymous said...

This is wonderful news indeed!!!

I'll keep you in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad. This is great news. Larry had his hand in this one I am sure. I can't wait to see Charley and give him a nice pat on his head and rub his ears. Good dog.

I can't remember my password to post this as me - but it is Me - Marie. Somedays, it doesn't pay to get out of bed!!!

a good yarn said...

Such a sweet face! Such wonderful news and I hope he stays well. Our pets bring us such comfort and companionship - all unconditional. Ann :-)