
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Morning update

General doctor was just in. Liver enzymes still very high and blood sugar elevated some. Preliminary CT Scans results indicate that all tumors in lungs have grown to dime size, she could not count the number, and that a tumor in the liver has developed and grown. The oncologist will be in later with treatment options and final results. Altogether not good news.

On another note, I can't seem to access my email so please leave me comments here (Scott that's for you)

Will update later, this data card is working like a dream.


  1. Hey mom.

    We have text messaging through Yahoo mail(thus the potentially weird number that our earlier messages came from). Please send us updates and we will try to check as often as we can. Working on getting skype up (having trouble getting internet in the room right now) and will try calling Rob when/if we do.

    Let us know if he gets bad really quick and we have to come back early.

    Love you!

    Scott and Bri
