After several weeks of stubbornness on his part I told Larry last night that if he wasn't feeling 200% better today he was going to the doctor. Well, I said Wednesday latest. If you saw him at the wedding you know how bad he looked and obviously felt, and I've been getting "horror" stories about him from people as well. He's been very tired, somewhat short of breath, has pain in his back and has been unable to eat much of anything-so he's lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks. So, today we took Steve and Candice to the airport and then went to the VA. They did some preliminary tests (blood, urine, etc) and determined that his liver enzymes are completely wacko--should be 40 and are 580. His gall bladder is out of wack as well by about the same. So without further ado they admitted him. Of course, we arrived at 1 and he was finally in his room at 6:30. He is having a CT scan tonight from his shoulders to his knees as it's the most likely to cover all the possibles the quickest. (No one could tell us why everything was out of wack yet.) He had to have a small IV in the arm which took three tries, drink yucky contrast liquid-and that made him sick, and still has to have his port accessed for an IV fluids and bloodwork. He flips from being hot to freezing every few minutes as well. He has had a very bad day.
I'm planning to take my laptop to the VA tomorrow with the data card so I can update this sooner, so keep watch. At the moment, he doesn't seem to be in immediate danger. He's in room 8282 but I forgot to write down the phone number (will blog that later) and his cell is dead so he's sort of out of touch, maybe he'll be able to sleep. I have no idea how long he'll be there at the moment, at least until they figure it out and get him feeling better. Believe me that's everything I know, wish there was more but there just isn't yet. You know what I know.
Oh Gail, my thoughts and prayers are with you both. Ann.