
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Surgery No 4

That's right, he's had four surgeries on his right leg! One, open biopsy, two, tumor removal, three drain insertion, and four vacuum drain insertion. We both vehemently hope this is the last one. Everything went well, it was about 12 before he went off to the surgery suite as he had to be given platelets to increase his clotting time beforehand. Dr. Templeton, who did both the open biopsy and the tumor removal, did the surgery. She said that visually it did not appear to be infected but sent some fluid off to be tested to be sure. Thinks it is still the lymph nodes that were damaged by both radiation and surgery causing all the trouble. He was resting comfortably when I left and has since eaten a full dinner. I don't expect him home before Friday as I have to learn to change the sponge and tubing on this drain. I am glad there is no infection as they were planning to send him home on IV antibiotics, that seems somewhat intimidating to me! Oh well, we just do today what needs to be done and keep on learning more stuff. Really, I couldn't give a shot before this year!

My house is a wreck and it seems that all the cleaning earlier was for nothing, sigh. Perhaps when I get him home again it will spiff up quickly. Tonight I'm heading for the basement to do a little sewing and watch tv until I go to bed. All this waiting is unreasonably tiring.

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