
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Good News! No Infection!

Test results are back and show no infection in the leg. Already the thigh has lost some of it's puffiness and all it's redness and heat, his leg and ankle are still swollen but that will just take some time. He says that as long as he doesn't move it doesn't hurt and the pain isn't too bad anyway. Perhaps he's becoming used to pain? He can't feel the wound vac either but it sounds like he's about to leave the ground! (Larry says it sounds like a motorcycle and Rob likes he's reving his engines!) Dr. Allen, his oncologist, was very encouraged by the news and despite the fact that the vac remains in until the wound heals from the inside out chemo will begin again on the 29th. Begin again is the right way to say it as it truly is starting over. The wound vac he currently has is the size of a small suitcase and weighs a ton but he's to get a portable one that runs on batteries and straps to his leg, can't wait to see that!

I'm home early as the roads are expected to get icy tonight and Larry worries. Never mind that I'm headed out to finish my shopping-never a favorite event for me and I certainly cannot even attempt to attain either Lucas' or Rob and Tanya's level of bargain shopping! I actually only have one more gift to buy and then I have to head to the pet store for frisbee's as all ours are buried under snow. The dogs have suffered a lack of my attention this year and it sometimes shows, I'm hoping to do better next year. They deserve new toys for being my faithful buddies no matter what. Larry has the cats, who never let him forget it! Rob and Tanya are going to meet me for dinner out then I'm for the sewing room again! My Christmas cards are to be done as well but that will likely be tomorrow's chore.

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