
Monday, December 29, 2008

Monday, again

Sorry I haven't posted in a while but we've been on the Christmas tilt-a-whirl! Okay, sometimes it felt like it but it was really fun! We had an exceptional Christmas day here, unwrapping of the gifts in North Pole central began about 8:30 and continued until 12:30! We have begun a new tradition since children began moving out, when those who live here are all up we open our socks. Yes, I still make stocking gifts for everyone, Larry makes mine, and in some ways they are the most fun and most anticipated gifts of all! Go figure. Then we open one gift every 30 minutes until the rest get to our house when we open until they are gone but we open them one person at a time so we can see what everyone else is getting. Part of the fun is to watch the reaction of the person you bought the gift for after all. I think everyone was happy with their gifts, both large and small. After gifting we moseyed toward dinner, with my extended family; my father and both brothers as well as Jessie, Jim's wife. Many hands helped cook and set up the tables. We went back to moving all the living room furniture into the kitchen and the kitchen table, bench and chairs into the living room to make one large table (everyone wants to be at the big table and be able to talk to everyone else.) We used Mom's dishes again on the gold chargers set this time on green table cloths. It was very pretty and even though my rolls were a complete disaster dinner was terrific. Then on Friday, Scott and Bri who had been in St Louis for Christmas day joined us and we repeated gifting and had a big mexican spread. I took Saturday off cooking but on Sunday we celebrated Tanya's birthday! See what I mean? Tilt-a-whirl!

Today, Larry and I headed back to the VA as he was scheduled for Chemo but they had people stacked up like cord wood and one nurse out so we rescheduled for Friday. We had a couple of other things to clear up over there and the day that was planned to finish early morphed into our leaving in time to go out for lunch at Olive Garden; soup, salad and breadsticks always a winner for us. Since we got home I've been trying to clean up a bit, can't believe how much cardboard there is I think it may take two loads to get the recycling to the center! Rob took the outside lights down as it is a nice day and only the snowflakes worked--our icicle lights were a disaster this year! Rob and Tanya have plans for next year, I told them to go for it!

I hope to make some progress on the rest of the house, especially my desk and sewing area. I should be able to manage some work between shouting MIZ -ZOU during the Alamo Bowl! GO TIGERS!

I hope you are enjoying this holiday week and that 2009 proves to be a good year for you!

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