
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Years!

I would like to wish everyone a wonderful 2009! If you had a great 2008 than I hope it's even better, If 2008 stank (like ours did) then I sincerely hope it improves. I just plan to take each day as it comes and enjoy that day to the max. If 2009 stinks, then at least I'll have these pleasant things to remember! Yesterday Larry was watching Saturday Night Live on DVD, with headphones, I'll always remember the sound of his laughter- it's been pretty rare this year.

I've been re-arranging the basement, or at least my part of it, the last couple of days. Lots of work and hopefully a better working arrangement. I need a bigger space dedicated to my sewing and research, we need a bigger space for TV watching. Finding the balance is hard. Maybe this time. The real problem is that we have too much stuff! I'm working on that as well. I should finish the final touches tonight or tomorrow and find a place for everything. I need a different arrangement for the recycling which currently threatens to overrun us--told Larry I needed to quit bringing in so much stuff! Perhaps then I can sew.

We have decided, I think, to fly to Hawaii and take a cruise around the islands in February. Larry doesn't want to go to Hawaii and not be able to get in the ocean and so wants to wait until he's rid of the wound vac. I hope that's soon and the way it's healing I think it will be.

Again, best wishes in 2009! Enjoy it.

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