We went out and bought a snow thrower today. We'd avoided it so far but we have a lot of driveway (and parking lot) needing to be shoveled-sometimes. Also our helpers Rob and Tanya are just too busy this year to shovel, Larry does not have the strength and I have shoulder issues so a big hulking snow thrower has taken up residence here. It probably won't snow all winter now. I used to say that the winters when all the children had boots, gloves, snowpants etc were the ones with no snow, let me get behind on that and we got feet of the stuff!
I've gotten most of the decorations up and we plan to do the tree on the weekend. Saturday is to be warmer so we plan to get some outside stuff caught up. We need to work on the icicle lights and put the snow thrower together, I will probably mow leaves one last time as well. All before the MU-Oklahoma game!
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