
Wednesday, September 2, 2020


I had to go up to Independence to have blood sucked-oops I mean drawn,

as I have an appointment with my primary care doctor in two weeks.

Then, I went SHOPPING!

First, I went to Joanns.

Where they have completely re-arranged the store and nothing is in the same place!

I did get almost all the thread I needed to finish Izzy's sock,

including the all important 666 (red)!

Then, it was off to the cross-stitch store:  C C and Company.

Hoping to get both the last thread and some needles.

I like to use a very small needle with my cross-stitch as it seems to slide through the fabric easier, but they can be hard to find

I scored both and some sale kits and patterns.

All of you, especially Lin, with your pretty pincushions made me want some of my own!

Then, it was off to the Quilt shop- Quilter's Station.

I needed red fat quarters to add to the tiny bit of red in my drawers for the RSC blocks this month.

The square piece on the bottom is for Izzy's bear.  I've dressed a bear for each of the Grands but for some reason I missed doing Izzy's and I need to fix that.

I also got a new pattern book

I can not pass up anything that has to do with the Rockies, I love them so much!  The photo at the top of the book is of the front range at Estes Park Colorado.  Strangely, the designers were all from Utah!  None from Colorado, Wyoming or Montana.  I find that very disappointing.  Not that I have anything against Utah just I love the other states more.


  1. Looks like a lovely lot of purchases from you shopping trip, it's a long time since i have been shopping for anything else besides food, except online shopping.

  2. Nice haul there Gail. I had to zoom in on that Noel Biscornu - its scrumptious! xx

  3. You love The Rockies so I can see the attraction. Lots of terrific goodies from your shopping trip.

  4. You've got some yummy reds from the store. It is fitting that you purchased red fabric and red thread on the day they took red from you! My husband always asked the nurses if they were a mosquito or a vampire. According to him, the mosquito's take smaller bites and are more gentle than the vampires.
