
Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Yesterday was my birthday! 
My children had fun with it so I'm still smiling.
Let me say there are clues in the photos as to how old I am!
Can't say I feel the years.

First, on Saturday the bottle of Jameson's Irish Whiskey arrived by UPS.
From Scott and Bri.
I don't drink much alcohol (like maybe twice a month)
but when I do it's Irish whiskey mixed with Ginger Ale
about an hour after the whiskey arrived I got a text message from Scott saying I had a delivery at my door.
When I saw these 7-10 packs of ginger ale I just laughed and laughed!
Minis are just about the right size for one drink!
They also sent Hersey's kisses!

Then, Yesterday I received these lovely flowers.
With this little poem"
Just a hunch, 
this looks like a bunch
Count them and you will see
That there are only 70
Rob and Tanya

Apparently the florist called them because they couldn't find a big enough vase!
So, I have flowers in my bedroom and flowers in the living room.
I love carnations.

Then, Beth & Co arrived with shrimp dinner and birthday cake,
which we ate on my patio it was a beautiful night and
weighing all the options that seemed like the least risky!
They also gifted me with some cards to spend when I like.

Calls from Scott and Steve and families came as well.
The Birthday song sung!

All in all is was a really fun day, even in these days of social distancing.

And, yes, I'm 70!

Sunday, September 13, 2020

This week in stitches-progress

Rainbow Scrap Challenge stitching:
All the red hashtags
Plus some hashtags that were already cut.
I found them when I was sorting through a project box.  
They aren't exactly red,
although some have red in them.
Only one more month to go and it will be yellow.
This is a good thing the box is getting quite full!

Then I did the big blocks these are pretty quick to make, 
it seems the hardest part is laying them out!

I've begun the flipflop blocks, I think two are finished.
There won't be too many as I don't have much red in 2 1/2 inch size even after cutting more.

In keeping with my goal of making one 9-patch as day,
I've stitched together 8 this past week!

We had several days of gray, gloomy, rain and cool temperatures.
Two days broke existing records for very low HIGH temperatures!
My air conditioning has taken a break,
and I had to put another quilt on the bed!
Fall is my favorite time of the year,
So happy it's here.


Friday, September 11, 2020

Where were you?

Today is September 11. 

"A day that will live in infamy." to quote FDR.

We all remember where we were when we heard the news.

I was home cleaning house an doing homework,

when I got three phone calls, 

one right after the other telling me to


(I don't watch daytime tv so if anything big happens they call and tell me.)

I watched in shock and horror.

Those are the emotions I feel to this day.

We Will NEVER Forget.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Friday Night with Friends


Last night was the monthly Friday Night With Friends

Hosted by Cheryl!  

Thank you for inviting us!

So, I worked on Izzy's stocking-almost finished with the last snowman on the first row!

Then I made a 9-patch for the Civil War WISP.

So far I've made the 7 above!  

This one a day thing is working well!  

Only 14 more and I can begin sewing the sashing together.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

September Goals

My favorite coffee mug! I try every day to follow that advice!

I didn't post August goals and while I did pretty well getting things done I think it helps to have it here.  I just always bite off more than I can chew when it comes to the "Want to do" list.

Anyway, for September:

Stitching Goals:
  Rainbow scrap challenge Hash tags, big blocks and flip flop blocks in red.
Cross-stitch:  Izzy's Stocking
Civil War hand piecing very old UFO: finish all the 9 patches for the sashing.  There are only 24 and I'm doing one a day so as long as I can keep that up I'm golden.
English Paper Piecing: Flower garden, a WISP-8 flowers finished
Paper Doll Quilt:  A new project (also for Izzy) 8 blocks complete
Small Project:A table runner.  I need something quick and finished!

Family History Goals:
Write Church for Baptismal dates
Work on the brick wall that is Phoebe
Work Newspapers and Ancestry Matches
Find out how to look for slave ancestors-as I have 1% African blood from an area that was prominent in the Slave Trade
Find out if there is any significance to Birth records where the Owner is listed instead of a Father.  (I am under no misguided notion that my white ancestors where any better than their contemporaries and I know several owned slaves.)
Most of these only require my writing a letter or email and waiting for an answer!

Blog every day.  Okay this one could be a problem!

House stuff;
Trim out the basement stairs
Replace the smoke alarms, add a CO alarm and replace the remote for my garage door opener-most of these will take nothing more than an internet search and order.
I had several Yard and Garden projects on the list but yesterday when I was out shopping and was all set to buy supplies I had second thoughts and decided to wait and see what 2021 brings.

Try some new recipes!
And in the same vein-make menus and stick to them!
Cooking for one person is difficult.

Go out in the trailer at least once.
I was set to go out with Beth & Co but Kolby has a soccer tourney so we canceled.  I'd have gone anyway but my spot was a back in and I need Lucas's help for that. (Actually, I need Lucas to do it!)

Finishing reading The Last Indian War , I've been reading it all year!  Just about 100 pages left!

There are always 15 minute projects:  They are nearly always the same.  Tidying the Studio,  and the garage
Drawing and lettering.

There are 4 ongoing 100 day challenges:
 Work out, drink 64 oz of water, Practice the piano and guitar and keep my house tidy.  So far so good but the piano will be tricky when I'm out in the trailer!

As always there is shopping-UGH! This year it will be mostly online.

It seems like a really long list but I think I can do it!



Wednesday, September 2, 2020


I had to go up to Independence to have blood sucked-oops I mean drawn,

as I have an appointment with my primary care doctor in two weeks.

Then, I went SHOPPING!

First, I went to Joanns.

Where they have completely re-arranged the store and nothing is in the same place!

I did get almost all the thread I needed to finish Izzy's sock,

including the all important 666 (red)!

Then, it was off to the cross-stitch store:  C C and Company.

Hoping to get both the last thread and some needles.

I like to use a very small needle with my cross-stitch as it seems to slide through the fabric easier, but they can be hard to find

I scored both and some sale kits and patterns.

All of you, especially Lin, with your pretty pincushions made me want some of my own!

Then, it was off to the Quilt shop- Quilter's Station.

I needed red fat quarters to add to the tiny bit of red in my drawers for the RSC blocks this month.

The square piece on the bottom is for Izzy's bear.  I've dressed a bear for each of the Grands but for some reason I missed doing Izzy's and I need to fix that.

I also got a new pattern book

I can not pass up anything that has to do with the Rockies, I love them so much!  The photo at the top of the book is of the front range at Estes Park Colorado.  Strangely, the designers were all from Utah!  None from Colorado, Wyoming or Montana.  I find that very disappointing.  Not that I have anything against Utah just I love the other states more.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Izzy's stocking update

 Here's August's stitching on the final stocking!
About 1/4 finished with the x's.
This is proving to be an easy design,
it certainly helps that I don't have to do it backwards!
The toe on this one is facing the right direction already,
Maybe, just maybe, I'll finish this one in time to hang it with the rest in December.
That is if I don't run out of red-I'm a bit concerned that I won't
be able to find more.

More stitching on this tonight!