
Sunday, June 14, 2020

The flowers of my gardens

This my favorite plant.  Double Many Bells.  I have two exactly alike and they are the only ones I even saw when I was buying plants.
Most of the plants are either Many bells or Petunias in a variety of colors.
There are two Geraniums, one Moss Rose, one Portulaca and one Mexican heather as well-Photos next week.

This red geranium has been absolutely gorgeous.
Here's the view down one row of flowers.

I do have some purples out there!  

The Hostas began blooming this week!  
This is the fourth summer for this garden and they have mostly reached their mature size.
Some are at least four feet across and the leaves overlap. 
That does not keep Quinn out of there! 
 I have added branches and sticks and large upside down flower pots in an attempt to keep her out. 
I don't even think there's room for her but she finds a way.  
It must be really cool in under those leaves cause when I catch her in there it's like she pops up from nowhere!

It's peaceful out on my patio with all the flowers around,
It's still cool enough in the morning to drink my coffee and watch the day arrive.
Sometimes, in the evening I sit out there as well but the bugs drive me inside.


  1. I do love geraniums and pelargoniums but all your flowers and hostas are gorgeous. What a lovely sight to see each day.

  2. Your flowers look gorgeous Gail. Two lovely visits to your garden - thank you. xx
