
Saturday, May 9, 2020

FNWF and other stuff

I've had a spectacular week.  If you consider the fact that I've accomplished nearly nothing spectacular.

I did bake raisin bread again, tweaking the filling a bit.  It is quite tasty.

I had an over abundance of sourdough starter so rather than throw some out I also made cinnamon buns.  There's no photo cause they've all been eaten!  I took the majority of them to my daughter's house to be eaten by her family.  (She has teenage boys need I say more?)
That covers my two new recipes for this month but I think there will be more.

I decided this month that I would focus on one project on the machine instead of trying to do them all.  (I really do not like changing thread!)  So, I began the  week and Friday Night with Friends by working on the secret  squirrel project.  I had been laying out 10 rows at a time but with this segment it got confusing so I've been laying out and sewing one row at a time.  When those are all sewn I'll add them to the rest of that unit.  I stopped last night as I ran out of cut black blocks and even though the strips are cut I just didn't want to do that.  I'll continue on that project until the end of next week, at least.
I switched over to working on Ryan's Christmas stocking.  The Nutcracker is finished and I am working on the sweets that go around his legs.  It's slow going as I have to change threads -tie off, tie on- often but its coming along.

I stopped rather early as I was cold.  May decided to return to oh, March and my studio is chilly anyway.  I had neglected to turn on the heater so I just came upstairs and got ready for bed warmed by the heating pad!

I have a busy day planned today:

I have to change the back wheels on my lawn mower-one broke and I ordered replacements for both as I figured it was only a matter of time before the other one broke as well.  I replaced the front ones last year so I shouldn't have to do either of those any time soon.

Then, I have to mow. Or Quinn will get lost in the tall grass-okay not quite that bad but I can't leave it.

After that, I'm going to air up the tires on my garden wagon.  Might be a slow leak there, might be I should go buy the "never need any air cause they're solid tires for it?"  That will have to wait until more of the Stay Home order has lifted.

Then, I'll load up all the parts to the raised veggie beds I built and haul all the stuff out to the back corner to finish putting them together.  That sounds easy but probably won't be easy to get and keep it square, sigh.  When they are set in place I'll set about filling them.  I have a sneaky suspicion that I don't have enough dirt!  That will take another trip to Lowes, but not today.

The Stay Home order for the State of Missouri has ended but the one for Kansas City and Jackson County (where I live) continues until the 16th.  Some businesses have re-opened, including my quilt shop but masks are required as well as using the hand sanitizer they supply.  Since I am rather high risk cause hey I'm old, I will continue as if quarantined for a few weeks, at least, even after it ends.  I expect my fellow countrymen to go nuts with the easing of restrictions and then another spike will occur.  I have such faith in my fellow man!  NOT.  Recovery will take a really long time.

On that depressing note, I've off to begin getting stuff done!


  1. Sounds like you have lots going on.
    I agree with your caution, why expose yourself if you have no need to.
    Be safe and well.

  2. I love that cross stitch. Nice work.

  3. Beautiful cross stitch. Lots happening ing at your place, good luck with the garden beds. Keep safe, I worry too that there will be a spike in cases once people get out and about again.

  4. You are right to expect a *breakout* when restrictions end. Some of our were lifted yesterday because it's Mothers' Day today. What coronavirus?! The shopping centres were packed. Queues ten deep at the butcher, fishmonger and speciality baker. A long queue for the supermarket. I walked in and walked straight back out again. You couldn't maintain 1.5m social distancing if you wanted to. I have to give cinnamon buns another try. Last time I rolled the dough too thin. Your raisin bread looks delicious. Is there cinnamon and brown sugar there or will it remain a family secret? I've yet to find a raisin bread that I really like. Ryan's stocking looks amazing - such an intricate design. Welcome to the world of one project at a time. I've tried working on more than one and get in such a muddle. I saw on tv that there has been a cold snap - with snow in some parts. We've just had two beautiful, warm autumn days. Today I can feel that sharp chill in the wind that means a cold spell is on it's way. Now if we could just manage some rain . . .

  5. Your secret sewing is intriguing???
    Love the Nutcracker stocking. Even though it's lots of work it will be gorgeous when finished...
    Yes like you I worry what will happen when restrictions are eased...

  6. Beautiful projects ... love that nutcracker! I'm planning on putting in a raised garden this year too. As I get older and that bursitis just won't let up, I think a little higher will be easier .. probably easier for the neighbors too -- I won't need to bend over so much! Lol! Good luck with all your yard chores. I've got a never-ending list myself.
    ~~~ taking notes from your outdoor activities over here in IL!

  7. Hello Gail. That raisin bread looks good. Love your red and black even though I have no idea where its going lol. Sounds like you have plenty to keep you occupied at home - we wont be going far either when lockdown lifts - only places to walk where there are no people. Like you I suspect another spike fairly soon after lift off. Ours was set for tomorrow but we heard today of another outbreak nearby which means we may not still be green - we shall see. Take care. xx

  8. Your efforts in both the kitchen and sewing area look great. I can almost smell the delicious looking cake over here. Thanks for coming on over for FNwF...xox

  9. Did I tell you we're neighbors? I'm in North Central AR about an hour from the Missouri border. I too am 'old' and have a couple auto-immune diseases so I am a hermit. You sound like me with the mower and the tires! LOL! Good for you with building your raised beds. I've heard you can put those corner braces on them and/or pound some rebar in each inside corner to keep them straight.
    Your raisin bread and cinnamon rolls sound delicious! You are a go-getter for sure!
    Your quilting sounds like you are getting a lot done and your Christmas stocking is gorgeous! Take care and stay well!
