
Saturday, May 2, 2020

FNWF and April Sewing

 Last night was Friday Night with Friends.  First I finished the blue four patches.  The two large pieces will be placemats and the smaller ones are for either pot holders or trivets.  I didn't get any of those made this month.

 Then I changed thread and worked on the Secret squirrel.  I finished the few rows I had left on the segment I wanted to finish in April and then had to pin it to the design wall to figure out where the two units fit together.  They still need to be sewn together.

In other unfinished sewing, I still have three hexi flowers to baste, I managed to get one row of the Civil War quilt sewn together-I had hoped for two.  I made progress on Ryans' stocking but it isn't finished.

I did finish all the blue for Rainbow Scrap challenge.

Flip-flop blocks

Hash tags
Big blocks

The big extra project was 36 face masks for the family. All were received quite quickly via USPS and are appreciated.  I know I wear mine.

Tomorrow, I'll post The May goals.  


  1. Lots of nice blues Gail - your RSC blocks look great and the placemats and pot holders are going to be good too. xx

  2. Well done making all those blue RSC blocks in all sizes.....

  3. Lots of progress - the finishes WILL happen!

  4. That was a most productive FNWF sew-a-thon. We don't have to wear masks here yet unless you are sick but it may change as the government begins to open up the economy again. I'd wear one if I had to travel on public transport that's for sure.
