
Thursday, April 2, 2020

What to do for April

Janice has inspired me to list what I'd like to achieve this month.  The list is long and perhaps not completely possible but I'll make my best effort!

For Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2020 I'll continue making 10 hash tag block, 7 big square blocks, turn 2 1/2" squares into four patches and turn those something like Maria is calling a flip flop scrap-you can see hers here (you'll have to scroll down to her March 29 post.)
Mine are bigger blocks than hers simply because I already had them sewn into four patches.  Also the 2 on the ends are going to be placemats. With the leftover 4 patches I'll make up some hot pads, and trivets.  (This is a lot but none of it really takes a great deal of time.)

 Cross-stitch:  Finish Ryan's stocking up to the backstitching.  Here's where I am now.

 Civil War Quilt:  sew two rows together and onto one another.

English Paper Piecing:  baste more flowers.  These need the papers put back in!
I found that they popped out as I sewed the flowers together so I'm basting them in.
I know lots of people use glue but I can just imagine the mess I'd make of that!

Secret Squirrel:  Bottom segment added

Cut Flannel and Scraps

Non Stitching things:

Finish the bath floor and trim

Cook two new recipes using only things I have on hand.

Repurpose table legs and the Victrola Cabinet.  Paint the legs (has to wait until I can go to Lowes for more paint but that's just the painting part.)

Organize work bench area and brooms

Put raised garden beds together and fill with dirt

Fence off the hosta garden-to keep Quinn out of it before she starts digging again.

Read 2 non-fiction books.  I read tons of fiction already.

Finish setting up Word Press and move this blog over.  This is close to being finished I think-just need to do it.

Make windows for the doll house.  This is the one I'm going to have trouble doing.

Whew.  Wish me luck!

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