
Saturday, December 7, 2019

Finished and delivered

One "fuzZy" quilt!  
Brayden requested one for his larger bed-he is 13 so a double bed is better
he was suffering (poor baby) from having to use twin size blankets!

When I asked what kind of quilt he wanted he said he liked the FUZZY ones.

This is the finished quilt on my queen size bed-think I might had gone overboard!
He likes it, it stays on the bed and is soft.
Every time I make one of these I say I'm not going to do it again, 
still all he has to do is ask for a Fuzzy quilt and I make one!

I also finished Ethan's Christmas stocking, 
but I forgot to take a photo.  
It's hanging with the others now so that will have to wait 
until January.

I'm off for Nashville on Monday to dog-sit
while Rob and Tanya go off to Jamaica!
By the time I get home it will be nearly Christmas,
 but I am nearly ready so it's all good!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

It's seems to be getting longer

---Between posts.
Don't know what to say, or maybe I have nothing to say?
At any rate, my days are spent doing Physical Therapy at home or at the physical therapist.
I was cranky with him last week as I felt no progress was being made, 
so he began to push me a bit harder.
I know PT is a long slow haul after knee surgery as I've been there before but it does get discouraging.

Inspite of that things have been HAPPENING!
Last week my youngest son was here to give a talk to some High school kids and while in town he installed the new stair treads leading to the basement!
They still need to be trimmed out but I may be able to do that-
especially since I intended to purchase the precut stair trim!
One thing off the list.

Last weekend (as it was not longer frigid) I changed out my exterior lighting.
There's always a LOT of figuring out as the house is never the same as the instructions.
I did change out 3 like this in front and 2 night sky down lights in the back.
Another thing off the list!

Unfortunately, I cannot mark the new microwave installation off the list, sigh.
Brayden and I gave it our best shot but NOPE.
Tomorrow, I will have to look for someone to do that for me.
Big lesson learned,
no matter how simple it seems just pay to have it installed!
I'm not a huge fan of microwaves so I'm not missing it.

There has been stitching going on as well.
Should have two finishes by Friday!
I seem to be getting my MOJO back!
Yeah, I really wondered where it had gone.

Today, I finished mowing leaves.
Normally, I'd have the grand boys mow for me but leaves require SLOW
and they don't do slow!
Will probably have to do it one more time before I run the mower out of gas!
I also cleaned out the frost killed plants from the flower beds
so things look better outside.

Maybe, I'll post something new before a month goes by!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Updating again.

I'm really bad at this blogging thing.
I realized just the other day that I have not been seizing life with both hands since I came in from the 2016 Montana trip.
Must change that.
Feels like I've been just moving through the days waiting for something to happen,
Really not good.
Figuring out how to fix that is tough though!

I am now seven weeks out from knee surgery.
I'm doing well
about half way to full movement.
Hit a bit of an issue this week as my hamstrings are very tight- 
even though stretching is a part of my daily routine-
so there are some pain issues in the back of my knee.
Apparently this is quite common and normal.
Possibly caused by my interest in regaining a somewhat normal life!
Anyway, ice and more therapy will eventually fix it.

I'm having huge issues with accessing my blogger account 
as well as commenting on other blogs.
I'm going to spend some time looking at Word Press
for a possible move over there.
Since I can sit and do things without it causing a ruckus in the knee.
Now, I'm going to go to the studio and think about stitching.
Or maybe actually stitching.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Little Catch UP

I am now 3 weeks out from knee replacement surgery.
The entire experience has been full of frustration!
The knee is good though,
perhaps it will be worth it in the end.
I spent a couple of nightmare nights in the hospital,
before I came home and realized that I couldn't get off the couch!
My sweet son in law took the time to run off to Nebraska Furniture Mart to pick up a recliner for me.
Made everything go so much better.
I sat and slept in that recliner for days,
hooked up to the marvelous ice water machine-pain relief and swelling reduction at the same time.
I've now had two weeks of home health physical therapy and start outpatient on Friday.
I am doing a routine of stretching and exercises from the last surgery on that knee and
walking the long block in front of my house.
I've graduated from a walker to a cane (likely, won't be using the cane much longer)
There is only some soreness and stiffness (of course) but I've been off heavy pain meds for over a week now.
Since it's my left leg, I'm also driving again.
For the most part I think things are going well, getting range of motion back will take some time and effort but I've been there before.
I am reading-a lot.
Stitching-a little.
Working on Family History-somewhere in the middle.
It's Hot-91F
And I'm Quite bored!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Field Trip!

It's been such a long time since I went on a field trip!
Today, The Eiman clan and I went to

The Breeding facility of the Budweiser Clydsales

A wonderful cool and cloudy August day at their gorgeous facility.

The last three of the pregnant mares-there will have been 23 babies when these three come.
They are all due in the next month so they are "on deck"
A mare is pregnant for nearly 11 months and gains about 300 pounds
but there are never twins!
That said their labor takes from 5 minutes to 35 minutes.
They are rigged with alarms straight to the head trainer when labor begins.
He has made it to the barn from his home on the ranch in 52 seconds.
Whether he was completely dressed is a question.
They breed for the hitch and there are specific requirements:
Must be male,
Bay in color with 4 white socks, a black mane and tail and a white blaze on their face,
Must stand at least 6 feet at the shoulders and weigh between 1800 and 2000 pounds.
With the exception of the first two their breeding program is 95% accurate.
They're very scientific.

 We saw every part of the facility photos and questions were welcome.

Everyone's favorite part is the BABIES!
There were three in the stalls with their moms.
This a very famous little girl named Gloria!  
She was born only minutes after the 
St Louis Blues won their first ever Stanley Cup!
(That's hockey folks.) 
Budweiser's home is St Louis so it's a very big deal.

Then they brought out Stan the Man for petting and photos ops.
He's already a commercial star but isn't on any of the hitches yet!

That's Kolby with me.
Such a patient and well mannered man is Stan.

A better picture of Stan!

Ethan actually touched him! 

Then as we were headed out to the trucks,
there came along a training drive.

Boy babies are kept with their Mums until they are gelded at 1
then they go off to St Louis for "basic training"  
At 3 they return to Warm Springs for hitch training.
This 4 horse hitch is stage two.

The  Three Clydesdale Hitches appear 300 times a year.
And are well known for their fabulous Super Bowl commercials!
Have a look at a couple of my favorites!
Puppy Love!
And the 911 Tribute

You can read more about Warms Springs here
and more about the Budweiser Clydesdales by Googling them!
(Although you do have to be 21 to enter their sites-too funny!-
I tried to add a link but something went wrong.)

It was a great trip and I now know a lot about these gentle giants.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Surprises. . .

Last week,
or maybe the one before,
I looked out the patio door and saw pink in the grass!
When I went to satisfy my insatiable curiosity I discovered. . 
Moss Rose,
and lots of it.
I didn't plant it out there,
well, not intentionally anyway.
Each fall I dump all the pots and clean them,
at this house I have several VERY low spots in the yard.
Which hold rain water in a big way!
That's where I put the dirt.
I must have emptied the pot that held the Moss Rose last!
It self seeded.
Pretty amazing considering the horrid winter we had.
Now, when I look out the door
I hope to see pink.
Sad to say,
every time we mow they get cut down.
Doesn't seem fair somehow.
Still it is a lovely surprise when I that spot of pink appears!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

At Last

It is finished!
Washed, dried and on the bed!
I can't tell you how glad I am.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Music on Monday

I'm showing my age but. . .

This song has been in my head ALL DAY!

Now it can be in yours!

Check out  Monday, Monday from

The Mamas and the Papas
Recorded in 1965!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Nearly there

Before I get to the Nearly there, 
I have a couple of things I finished this week.
Well, yesterday truthfully
 a new shower curtain rod.
The old one was rusting on the top and hard to move the rings on.
I'm always amazed at the things which I find truly annoying
the struggle with the rings was one of those odd things.
This new one is MUCH easier.
A new mailbox.
The existing mailbox was made of some flimsy plastic, 
Well once white anyway
And broken.

The new one is metal.
While I was at it I re-painted the post.
I love these letters I found on line!
So much nicer than the peel and stick from the hardware store.
(To be truthful these are peel and stick also!)
Easy to use and nice to look at.
The nearly there.

those are binding clips on
the quilt that will not be finished!
I think I will actually finish it and have it on the bed by Wednesday!
At the moment I can only see
all the mistakes in it
in the next six months those will just magically vanish!
Other stitching is in the works,
some are gifts so not showing them 

On the medical front.
After 5 weeks,
numerous phone calls and faxes
and a visit with my Primary Care Doctor
I am scheduled for a knee replacement on August 28!
Waiting for the packet in the mail with all the instructions.
I know it won't be pleasant 
it will be done
and I will just have to get on with it.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Updates and finishes

I'll admit I haven't been accomplishing much lately.
My left knee has gone bone on bone 
and has a lovely Baker's cyst turning to rock as well.
I'm awaiting scheduling for a knee replacement-sometime next month.
Hard to believe but it is worse when I sit with it bent, 
some days I just have to sit on the couch with it up and read.
That said, 
I have done some things!

Updates first.
Above is the quilt which insists it will NOT be finished!
Three Quarters quilted.
Shooting for 100% by this time next week and completed by month's end.

The beginnings of a rag quilt.
All the squares are cut,
still need to cut some batting.
I'm pinning them all then I will sit down and stitch through the layers 
before I lay them out and sew them together.
No real goal for finishing here.

Finish number one.
the table skirt for the small round table I made year before last.
I've hunted for ready-made ones,
They were all the wrong size.
I hunted fabric, even bought some green,
but in the end I went with blue as the quilt that will not be finished 
is destined for the bed next to it.
Got out my little cloth from Ireland.
Now to accessorize it.

I painted the hutch base,
 and put on new hardware.
(Sorry the photo is so terribly dark-I took 20 shots I think and this was the best of the lot!)
I'm not putting the top back on.
(No idea what I'll do with it.)
Eventually, I'll get a piece of marble for the top.
It will make a nice place to place food when the whole group is here.
It too needs accessorizing.
I'll get to it.

Thursday, July 11, 2019


Camping at Arrowrock.
If you've followed me for any length of time you will have realized that
I love to camp at Arrowrock State Historic site.
It's a smallish campground,
usually dominated by couples without children.
So it's quiet.
It is fairly close to home and to Columbia where Scott and Bri live.
I store my trailer in caves quite far north from my home
Which is a pain if I'm headed south!
Going to Arrowrock though is simple.
The caves are only a short distance (like 2 blocks) from US Highway 24.
I like driving this way, 
there is rarely much traffic for one thing!
The road follows the south side of the Missouri River,
Although, you can't see the river from the Highway.
Over hills and through valleys
A few small towns and lots of farm land.
This year continues to be very wet,
so wet that at least two roads I passed had signs that either 
the bridge was closed or there was water over the highway.
You can see from the corn that farmers had trouble getting into low-lying fields.
The corn on the top of the hill is in tassel and Very Tall.
Down in the low spots it raged from a few inches to maybe 3 feet tall.
It is beautiful to see the hills spread out before you covered in gorgeous, 
vibrant green.
As I was driving I couldn't help but think of the movie Field of Dreams
all the baseball players going into the corn and just fading away.

I drove down on the 3rd
meeting up with Beth and family for the 4th holiday.
Scott and Bri brought the kids up for the 4th and we had a picnic.
Of course, it began raining.
There was a stream through the campsites!
We missed the fun parade, bummer.
When the 3rd round of rain poured down on us 
we moved the party to Scott's in Columbia.
Some stayed for the fireworks but Quinn and I went back to the trailer.
For the quiet of a place where fireworks are not allowed!
Saturday, we went into Columbia again for dinner and ice cream.
Beth's family packed up and headed home
leaving their golden retriever, Zoe, to ride home with me the following day.
The campground was nearly deserted that night!
Monday, I packed up, hooked up and went home,
dropping off both the trailer and Zoe on the way.
After unloading the truck and showering I took a long NAP!
It had been quite hot and buggy all weekend.

I was quite proud of the fact that I managed to backache truck up to the trailer and hook up on the first try!  
Guess all the truck backing practice has made a difference!
I bought a new battery last year and it didn't run the tongue jack-
which is no fun cause then I have to do it by hand!
I was all set to take the battery back
I discovered that the key that keeps the battery from running down was off!
Ran the jack just fine when I took it back!
All those camping trips where I raised and lowered it with a fourway.
Totally unnecessary!
I need a check list for picking up and leaving!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Baking my Grandmother's Bread

I made bread today.

Whenever I make bread I think of my Grandmother.

Ora May Weddle Hickam.
My Father's mother.
Sometime in my 20's she taught me to bake bread.
My Mother taught me to bake cookies and cakes but not bread.
(Not pies either until the day before I was to get married.)
She was born 21 July 1897 in Vernon County, Missouri.
(She was always quite emphatic about it being Vernon!  
They lived just outside Rich Hill which is in Bates county-barely.)
She was the oldest of NINE children of John William Weddle and Jessie Ivy Welch.

She told me her parents began leaving her to watch her younger siblings 
at a very young age. Like 4.
Once when she was making butter she dropped it in the slop bucket.
She was terrified of her mother, so she fished it out and washed it!

She loved to read
and do jigsaw puzzles.
Taught a girls Sunday School class at First Baptist Church for many years.
She quilted, by hand until her eyes gave out 
and she let a little girl who couldn't thread a needle or knot the thread but stitches in one.
When she sewed she used a Singer treadle machine and allowed the grandchildren to string buttons from the drawers.
1943 (Back row r-l Bill, Letha, Bob.  Front row r-l Ora and Charley
She and her husband Charles Lloyd Hickam were married 
25 May 1924 after he'd asked her and been turned down THREE times!
They had three children: William Hubert (Bill), James Robert (Bob-my dad) and Letha May.

She died 21 Jan 1985, age 88.

I'm sharing her bread recipe with you!

She made 5 loves out of this.
I used to make 4 using 1 1/2 pound pans
Now I make only make half a recipe and use 1 pound pans so 2-3.

The recipe for a half batch is in ( ).

Ora Hickam's Sponge Bread

5 Tablespoons (2 1/2) Sugar
4 cups water (2) no hotter than 115F
4 teaspoons dry yeast (3 )
6 cups flour (3) 
She said use good flour and I use King Arthur Bread flour
3 Tablespoons (1 1/2) salt 
2 cups (1) milk, warmed but not hotter than 115F
3 Tablespoons (1 1/2) butter, melted

Add yeast to water then add sugar-let rise until bubbly.
Add 6 (3) cups flour, beat well, cover and let rise in warm place
 about 1 1/2 hours or until double
Add salt, warm milk and butter, beat well.
Add enough additional flour to stiffen and knead well.
Place in greased bowl cover and let rise until double, 
again about 1 1/2 hours.
Turn out, divide into loaves and put in greased pans.
Again, let rise until double.
Bake at 425F for 15 minutes  then at 375F for 30 minutes.
Brush tops with butter.


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The carpet is in.
At last.

To put carpet in a house you are already living in
means that every piece of furniture
needs to be emptied,
or prepared so that the carpet folks can move it.
Then when they finish,
you have to put it all back.

The emptying out seemed to take forever.
I tried to remove the things I've decided not to keep.
The old couch and chair I had in this room was
too big
and worn out.
It went to the dump.
This couch is the Ikea one I had in the basement.
I had to take it apart to get it upstairs.

I feel like I still have tons to do.
Some furniture didn't and isn't coming back into this room.
Two nearly empty bookcases
made a trip to the studio.

I love the way everything is neat 
and still close at hand.
I haven't been doing much in the studio.
I am quilting-quite slowly- the blue and white thing.
The fact that is was sewn on the diagonal means
 that quilting in the ditch has to be on the diagonal.
On the plus side of that
The rows get shorter!

You might remember these.
I have a growing collection of glass balls.
I absolutely adore them!
But. . .
the rod I was using to hang them on
was starting lot look like it might bend and then break!
The larger balls are quite heavy.

I received another one for Mother's Day 
A Rhombus.
So I began another window with it and the 
Morovian star I bought in Nashville.
These  are in my bedroom.

I won't be finished with the aftermath of carpet for a while yet
BUT. . . 
stitching will happen!

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Back, I think

First off,
I finished the bathroom-almost.
The photo above shows it at it began.
The two photos below show it now.

Overall, I'm pleased with it.
I still need to add quarter-round trip to the trim on the floor.
That wants a trip to Lowes
Followed by painting, etc.

I'm having carpet installed on Tuesday,
So a great deal of time has been spent emptying out,  sorting and packing.
Some of it won't come back in 
and some will be in different places.
Still more of that to do.
All a part of the let's sell this place!

The rain has continued to pour down, day after day.
leaving us with 12.81(or maybe more) inches of rain in May.
The wettest May in recorded history.
In the last two big storms we've had tornados-close.
One in the open space by my daughters home, 
fortunately, no damage was done-I think they said it was an EF-0.
I'm not even sure it touched down there.
Then on Tuesday last there was and EF-4 on the ground for an hour and a half.
Heavily damaged the town of Linwood, Kansas.
They estimated a mile wide and 130 mph winds.
Long way from me.
At least in tornado terms.
We've had a couple of clear days now but it's storming again.
So tired of it.
Oh well, even though baling the grass seemed liked a possibility more than once I haven't had to water the plants.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Same rain -different day!

Yep, it's raining again. Or perhaps I should say still.  
I managed to mow my very tall grass yesterday, 
finishing about 30 minutes before it began raining again.  
I only had to walk in 1/4" water in one spot of my yard.
I think I need to buy a boat!
While no flooding threatens me, that could change 
if this rain does not stop soon.
Here in my office the sound of the rain is quite loud.
I can only imagine what it would be in Ceili.

I've been busy working on the house.
I ordered the carpet.
Bought the necessary stuff to finish the main bathroom.
Only the tile left to do.
When I get that down I'll post a photo.
I was hoping for today BUT. . .

I'm sandwiching the huge blue and white quilt,
at long last.
Guess what?
All the blue threads are showing under the white!
So am now clipping the BACK of the top.
It's a very large quilt, sigh.
I have to finish the sandwich today so I can have the table to eat on!
Photos to follow.

Wish me luck on the quilt,
and continued sanity at being cooped up!

Monday, May 13, 2019

The scratched record that is our weather

Finally, the sun is shining today!
There is no chance for rain today!
Perhaps we shall dry out a bit.
Quinn is getting a bath-whether she likes it or not!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


I think it rained all night last night.
I know it began with thunder and lightening before I went to bed,
Was still at it when I turned off the light.
And was storming again when I woke up.
The puddles are back in the yard.
I squish when I walk through the grass.
The grass grew inches overnight and can't be mowed due to said squishing.
I had to put the Quinn foiling pots out in the hosts garden.
Speaking of Quinn,
She's a muddy mess.
I'd give her a bath but more rain is on the way tonight and tomorrow.
I am far enough away form rivers and streams to avoid any flooding.
My sump pump keeps the basement dry.
It's a good and in August we will all be wishing for rain.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Oh Boy, I seem to have neglected this blog.

There's an understatement if I ever saw one!
I was away for several days in Nashville.
Helped Tanya choose and plant flowers in her front garden.
Sewed patches on a quilt for them.
Went to President James Polk's home, 
then had 100 layer donuts.
Somewhere between here and there the cover over the truck bed 
(that's UTE to you down under) split apart where it connects to the truck.
It was fine when I loaded up here but was when Rob unloaded there it was broken. 
we could barely get it over the bed and closed.
At the moment it is closed, but will need replacing before I head out for a long trip.
Since I've been home I haven't been making the trek up to the office,
In fact for one entire week I went neither up the stairs to the computer nor down the stairs to sew.
Just didn't want to.
It has rained and rained here.
We had the wettest winter in history and the rain has kept the ground saturated.
Many streams are running bank full and fast.
Interstate 29 north of St Joseph is still closed due to flooding.
Both the Missouri and the Mississippi are out of their channels.
It has dried out a bit now but storms are predicted for tonight and intermittently for the rest of the week.
Back to puddles in the yard!
I finally turned the heat off yesterday, 
 really hope the air conditioning can stay off awhile.

Yesterday, I moved all the plants out of the house.
Repotted some.
All the "Christmas" Cactus here.
Including a new one in Orange.
The other "houseplants" are out as well.
Potted up my container garden.

3 Cherry type tomatos,
2 peppers,
and a bush cucumber here.
Thyme and rosemary (if it survives, love the stuff but can't keep them alive.)
Sage, Basil, Oregano, Bunching onions,
Plus the sago palm from the house.

Still need to purchase some annuals for the front of the house
as well as the hosts garden.
Have to get a small fence for the hosta garden to keep Miss Quinn from laying behind the plants which damages them.
Today, I pulled some weeds and repotted the succulent garden.
As it had outgrown its container.
It is quite heavy, which could be a problem later on.

Then I potted up these Mimicry plants.
They like to be very dry.

Quinn and I have been taking walks again.
Finally found a way to track how far we go-I want to do 3 miles.
Today, we stopped off a small pond for a rest and watched the geese.
There are two pair of Canada geese on the pond and both have 4 goslings!
There are some rather large snapping turtles in the pond which would love to feed on the goslings-oh no!
Today, I saw two robins chase off a squirrel!
I'd never seen anything like robins dive bombing that squirrel.

No sewing to report but that might change after bit.
Is another day.
Housework and stuff.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Vacuum cleaners and other things that don't work

I have one of these.
Well, this one to be exact!
I've had it for a while and always been happy with how it worked.
One day a couple of weeks ago it stopped in the middle of the hall.
This has happened before and it was always the filter.
I switched out the filter
still wouldn't start. 
Also the beater bar-
Most excellent of inventions-
began making a horrid squeaking noise.
I decided that it had to go off to the shop.
Got it back in two days
(whoever heard of that fast of a turn around?)
I had caused the seal inside the canister to slide up by knocking the canister against 
the trash barrel to get rid of the dirt!
Who knew?
I won't be doing that again.
I have to say it is back to being amazing!
Unfortunately, that means I must vacuum.

In the category of not very amazing.
Since Google did away with open ID 
leaving a comment has meant signing in to a different account.
That doesn't always work though.
For some reason I can't leave a comment on Chookyblue's blog at all.
Sorry Chooky.
If I have issues, 
I'll try and send you an email instead.
So, sorry about that!
Also, about proving I am not a robot.
I hate all the little squares of photos.
So small I can't always see the fire hydrant or whatever I should see
And now there are two pages!
I hate it.
Personally, I wouldn't care if you were a robot!

Sunday, April 7, 2019


Well, not quite yet.  The trees are turning green!  When I drive back and forth to the library I've noticed that first the bushes below the trees are just a bit green and now the trees are a haze of green!  Except for the weeping willow trees-always the first to leaf out they are green!  I often wonder how many people pay any attention to the seasons changing as they drive along.  I love to see the changes, the creatures along the way-keeps the drive from being boring.

Anyway, this happened today.  The plastic pots are cleaned-as well as they are ever cleaned at any rate. Still have the clay ones to do.  I am taking the clay ones to Nashville so that Rob and Tanya can take their pick.  I find the clay to be too heavy so I've been replacing with plastic as I find them.

My gardens are beginning to show signs of life!  The lilies in front are up, the hydrangea and the lavender both have new growth.  The Yarrow and the Tansy are getting taller and today I saw the first of the hostas are just through the ground.  I'm going to have to fix a couple of fences-one in front of the hosts garden and one in the back yard to keep Quinn off her now very muddy paths. No fun that.

It has finally gotten warm-back to back 70F days and warmer for next week.  We've had rain off and on for the past week but it's to be dry now for a few days which will be nice, no more squishing when walking across the lawn!

While inside, the cactus are still blooming!  They must really like the spot they are in!
This one begins very white with just a little pink and gets darker the longer it's open.
I like seeing blooms inside the house.  Some of the Succulents are getting too large for their containers-must shop for something better.  It's hard to find bigger without getting deeper and succulents don't need room for deep roots.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Why I hang finished quilt tops on the design wall.

I hang all my finished tops back on the design wall.
First, because it keeps them unwrinkled.  
They are big, 
I don't want to iron them again!

When it hangs there and I look at it for a few days,
this often happens

See that yellow sticky?
I made an oops!
I'd really rather fix it now than after I've begun pinning it,
or even worse quilting it!

The backing fabric is being washed today.
Tomorrow, I'll make it up.
Then when it is pressed and starched it will hang on the wall as well.
I'll fix the oops today!
Then on Sunday I'll sandwich it - oh my aching back!!
I will be so glad to have this one finished,
it seems to have taken FOREVER 
and to have had an excessive amount of unstitching!
Next week I'll begin Quilting,
once I've decided how to quilt it that is.
It's huge so it will take a while to quilt.

In other stitching,
I've been making up four-patches 
to use up my many leftover squares.
Yellow is finished,
Red will take a while longer.
I've pretty much given up on catching up with
Rainbow Scrap Challenge
(due to large blue and white quilt above)
but will work at just using stuff up anyway.
It's all good.

Thursday, April 4, 2019


For the past several years I've read two kinds of books:  Non-fiction, mostly history, and romance.  I decided not long ago that I would widen the reading and so I've read a couple of really good books outside the box lately.  Books I'd really recommend.

First, I finished The Storyteller's Secret yesterday.  Sobbing with tears streaming down my face.  Mascara and all.  It is a wonderfully compelling book even though you begin with the knowledge that some parts of it won't be easy (or happy) to read.  Still, I could not put it down and the ending is so beautiful the tears began while I still had pages left to read.
Set in India during British rule and today it speaks of family and how the history of that family and its secrets flow down through the generations.  So Good! I can not remember the last time a book made me cry. I'll be downloading Sejal Badani's other book really soon.

 Second, is this memoir by Dani Shapiro-Inheritance.  The story of the author's struggle to come to terms with the secrets in her family (Wow, I have a theme going here) when her Ancestry DNA results are so surprising as to not be believable.  The trauma this causes her and the results of a long process of coming to terms with the why,  the how, and the who.

Again, a really lovely, compelling book. I couldn't put it down.