
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Updating again.

I'm really bad at this blogging thing.
I realized just the other day that I have not been seizing life with both hands since I came in from the 2016 Montana trip.
Must change that.
Feels like I've been just moving through the days waiting for something to happen,
Really not good.
Figuring out how to fix that is tough though!

I am now seven weeks out from knee surgery.
I'm doing well
about half way to full movement.
Hit a bit of an issue this week as my hamstrings are very tight- 
even though stretching is a part of my daily routine-
so there are some pain issues in the back of my knee.
Apparently this is quite common and normal.
Possibly caused by my interest in regaining a somewhat normal life!
Anyway, ice and more therapy will eventually fix it.

I'm having huge issues with accessing my blogger account 
as well as commenting on other blogs.
I'm going to spend some time looking at Word Press
for a possible move over there.
Since I can sit and do things without it causing a ruckus in the knee.
Now, I'm going to go to the studio and think about stitching.
Or maybe actually stitching.


  1. Glad the knee is progressing well. Blogger can be a bit off at times - hope you find a solution. xx

  2. I lost motivation to blog for a few months this year and even sewing didn’t amuse me like it usually does. Not being able to gad about will be cramping your style. Keep up the exercises so that you can get back to buzzing about. Blogger has its moments. Wordpress is worth a try.
