
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Cold, Ice and laziness

Lots of Cactus blooms here in my office.
They almost make up for the dismal weather.
I have only been out of the house once since I got home from Tennessee.
Then only because Quinn was running out of food!
We've had ice- about 1/4" on my drive-then snow on the top.
Followed by freezing cold.
I may have missed the polar vortex while in Tennessee 
the past week the High temperature hasn't gotten above freezing!
So, again school was out for weather.
I think the kids will still be going to school well into summer
before they get in the required days.
I'd like to say I've been productive this week 
but, NO.
I've mostly sat in front of the fire with coffee and a book.
I did some work in the studio-
Granny is quilted, 
and the binding is made.
Hope to sew it on today,
then I can sit under it while I sew it down!
The blue and white quilt top is nearly together,
should be finished soon.
I've worked the most on Ethan's stocking.
It seems that once I get started on that I don't want to put it down!
I've tidied and sorted by color the strip drawers-
what a mess.
Also working on the squares,
sorting and storing by color.
Cut a few Hash tag parts but still haven't sewn any together.
I've begun moving photos over to an external hard drive to free up space on the laptop,
it isn't taking as long as I thought it would.
Or maybe I've just gotten the process down!
I'm going to do that next and then hit the studio.
or nap.
Who knows?

1 comment:

  1. Crikey, that sounds cold even for me but I'd love to be at home sewing. Work has been so busy. Glad your home safe and sound.
