
Saturday, May 26, 2018

At Last

I remembered to take my camera down to the studio!  

Tanya's Black and Gold quilt is coming along.
It's been a slow go.
And of course I have run out of the gold in the sashing!
Luckily, I
1) remembered where I bought it and
2) the store still had some!
So more is on the way
and should be here by the end of the week.
Whew, I got lucky there!

I'll keep on sewing the rows together until I run out of the sashing strips.
maybe next weekend will see the top finished.

I've really been a slacker when it comes to posting. 
so sorry I'll try to do better.
This month seems to have been filled with days away from home, 
and a lack of energy caused by not enough sleep.
I finally turned the air conditioning down more at night and am sleeping much better.

The weather so far this year has been weird.
Cold and snowy late.
Finally warmed up enough to turn off the heat.
Four days after that I had to turn on the air conditioning.

I'm wanting to get out on a trip somewhere, anywhere!
The trailer is finally out of the shop.
Had to have a new axle and a new tire but that's done.
Today, the battery was dead and didn't charge so will need to get that replaced
and the propane tanks filled or changed.
I'm planning a little camping next week at a local park to clean it-filthy!
I have plans to change some things inside and if I park locally I can go home to use my saws etc or sleep in my bed!

My bed, that's where I'm headed next!


  1. Hey that looks good .....
    Goodluck cleaning the van........

  2. The quilt is looking good. I do hope you get camping next week.
