When my children were small we had a few of the volumes of a Sesame Street book set.
I have no idea at this point what they were called and this is WAY before Elmo!
In the "D" book there was a story called Darling Dora and the Dazzling Diamond D which my children LOVED!
The jist of it is that Dora's Daddy, the King, gave her a Dazzling Diamond D necklace which was stolen by a Dragon. After the Dragon was captured and the necklace returned the Dragon was sent to the Deep, Dark, Damp, Dreary Dungeon.
That phrase-Deep, Dark, Damp, Dreary, Dungeon-became part of our family language.
I am currently living in a November that feels like that dungeon!
Projects of any kind are moving at a snails pace.
I have a deadline next week.
Well, two really.
A mailing deadline
and Thanksgiving.
I'm getting somewhat tense.
That isn't helped by the Deep, Dark, Damp, Dreary weather.
Wow! That's quite some alliteration going on there. My projects have come to a dead stop too so it can't be the weather. Sunny here. I quite like the idea of Thanksgiving but I'm rather grateful that it isn't a regular fixture on our calendar. I can barely organise myself for Christmas.