
Friday, March 31, 2017

Road Trip!

After a week (or more) of gray skies that dripped occasionally and I had had ENOUGH!
Time to get out on the road again.
Quinn and I loaded up and headed for Hamilton, Missouri.

We hit the highway headed north.
Through Lees Summit,
Through Independence,
Over the Missouri River on the Liberty Bend Bridge
The north bound lanes travel on a narrow historic bridge.
I think MDot wanted to tear it down and build those plain boring ones when they widened the highway to four lanes but folks put up such a fuss that they built the south bound lanes to echo the older side.  I've always loved this bridge so to still have it is great.
Once across the river we turned east on Hwy 210 towards Missouri City and eventually Richmond.
My Father build a house for my Great Aunt Pearl and Uncle Jimmy on their truck farm on the River near Missouri City ca 1962.
So we went often that year and several times in later years.
It was where I first learned to asked which bowl of mashed white stuff was potatoes (yum) and which was turnips (Yuck).
I have great memories of walking the watermelon patch (like 5 acres maybe) all of us kids following along behind Uncle Jimmy and Dad.  Uncle Jimmy would cut open a watermelon, offer my Dad a taste of the heart, we kids would get a taste and then it would be on to the next one leaving the first to rot in the field.  I always thought it a great waste of watermelon!
It's been years since I was there last and the farm passed out of the family ages ago so I couldn't find it.
They've moved the highway north of the river more too so it won't flood when the river does.

The grass along the route was quite green and close up the trees and shrubs are showing some green but not enough for the ridges and hills to show more than the usual bare gray of winter.
I know spring is coming.
I've seen the Great Blue Herons flying lately, trailing their long legs behind them!

Back to the trip.
We headed north again towards places like Polo and then Hamilton.
Little, near dead towns.
I read the other day that more people are dying than are being born in many counties in this part of the county. (Others too) Plus folks are moving away looking for work-if you don't own a farm there's not much else.

Almost to Hamilton on a two lane road I was passed by three cattle trucks.
Not really remarkable except that the second one ran me off onto the shoulder!
He started drifting my way as soon as his cab cleared the front end of the truck.
I've had this happen before so I'm always extra alert around semis.
The rest of this story is that for once there was law enforcement at that exact place in the road!
(That never happens!)
The sheriff pulled off, turned in behind me and at the next passing lane passed me to pull him over!
I was still shaking but I cheered!

In Hamilton, Quinn and I took a walk and checked the place out.
When I was last here several years ago they had one store now they fill nearly all the historic downtown.  There was no place to eat and now there are several!  Big changes.
That said I bought very little, although I did wish I had gone up there when I was buying the fabric for Ethan's quilt-so much conversation fabric.

A few photos of Hamilton. 

On the way home we took the Interstate as far as Liberty and then down 291 again towards home.

When we arrived Quinn and I checked the mail to find a lovely surprise!
A package from Ann at A Good Yarn!

Inside were goodies all the way from Australia!
Ann and I have been emailing back and forth for at least 6 years and I've learned so much about life in Australia!
I often email her a question about language differences-we may all speak English but we do not speak the same language!
Australia has always been on my bucket list of places to visit~ I hope to meet Ann when I go!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Gail, I really enjoyed reading about your trip to Hamilton. So relieved you weren't injured after being run off the road. Semis do much the same thing here. It does frighten one so. How marevellous that the police were nearby but I doubt the driver felt much remorse. We've had similar weather here - lots and lots of rain but the sun has been shining for a few days now. Of course, nothing like the terrible storms battering Queensland and Northern NSW. Seeing images of Lismore flooded to the eaves was heartbreaking. The levee was breached and folks have lost everything. There is much to be grateful for. I do hope you liked the little gifts collected as I travel about. I couldn't resist chocolate called Road Trip. I do hope you get the chance to visit Australia and we will definitely meet up if you come to Sydney. I'd love to show you around!
