
Monday, August 8, 2016

Sheridan Take Two

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Today after a walk with Quinn along the river I took my camera and went downtown!  The Historic downtown in Sheridan.

I have a love affair with old architecture, all the details added to a building in days gone.  Today's building are never as interesting to look at!

This one on the left is the Sheridan office of a vineyard.  I love the corner entry! No ugly modern facades either.

Almost every building on Main Street has details visible on the second floor.  I always wonder what's hiding behind the more modern facades on the first floor.

There was one building being rehabbed by a company specializing in resurrecting old buildings.  That is a hopeful sign.  Now if the city would just go to a less obnoxious traffic light!

Here's a few more photos (and not nearly all the ones I took!)

I love that this one is dated-1907

Arched entry to the same building.

Art Nouveau Movie theatre!


  1. I am loving your trip........keep up the pics.........

  2. I'm with you Gail - I love old architecture. Especially pretty ironwork and stone work. One wonders how these buildings will be maintained when the trades to do so aren't maintained. I believe they have programs in the UK, certainly not in Australia.
