We arrived in Bozeman after about an hours drive up from Emigrant.
Like 11 AM
Check-in time at this campground wasn't until 1PM!
So we killed time in and around town while hauling Ceili behind us!
Not ideal.
We did find a nice park where we had a nice walk.
Then there's always Walmart.
I think there were 12-15 campers parked in their lot!
They allow overnight parking unless city ordinance prohibits.
Lots of people do it.
I haven't yet although perhaps I will someday.
All of these photos were taken from the campground.
I'm not a big fan of this one.
It stinks
and one walks out the door of their trailer to the sewer hookup for the next space.
Not ideal.
This one is taken to the north and while you can't see it here
there is a very active train track at the base of the mountain.
Train whistles every couple of hours ALL night-ugh.
This one to the east shows the way we came in.
After we got settled in we went hunting for the dog parks.
Found two.
The second one had 3 small ponds and
some water dogs playing.
Mostly Quinn thinks water dogs are strange.
Why on earth would they WANT to get wet!
She did get so excited playing that SHE ended up in the pond!
Today, I went about shopping in Bozeman.
Bought some new shoes,
A pair of binoculars,
and a few other things.
Hit the quilt shop-nothing came home!
Went by Central Asia Institute's offices and delivered my
monthly contribution.
That was nice.
After it cooled off some I took Quinn back to the dog park,
she stayed out of the water this time!
Soon she will be pestering me to bring the bed down!
The fires from Yellowstone have made all the mountains hazy today.
I can see them, vaguely, but photos would be a waste of time.
Tomorrow, we are going to the Headwaters of the Missouri River!
And the dog park.
Shame about the camping park. Hopefully the next one is better. Funny Quinn! Is there much light pollution in these places? Do you see lots of stars? That was always my favourite part when travelling out in the country. A sky chock full of stars.