
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Books, Books and more books

And all of them packed!  The boxes have even been moved to the garage!  Whew, I did wonder about halfway through why I have so many books.  I mostly buy non-fiction in actual book form these days, for fiction my Kindle is very easy to pack!

Last night was Kolby's final baseball game of the summer.  I must really love that kid!  Heat index was well over 100F and I hate the heat!  I went to the game though, coaches pitch I have no idea who won.  Kolby is a sports nut!  If it involves a ball being kicked, hit, bounced or thrown he is all over it!

Today, I'm going to pack some glass jars.  I've collected lots of blue glass canning jars and some half gallon and gallon jars that I use for food storage.  The gallon ones hold 5 pounds of flour!  I already have several boxes of jars packed away-I don't know if I will ever can again but I just can not bring myself to get rid of them!

After that, I'll work on closets.  I did nearly empty the guest room closet yesterday, the office closet may be a two day event!  The garage is tidying up as I use boxes and totes or put things into recycling or the trash.

Tomorrow evening the buyers inspector comes so Quinn and I have to vacate the premises for a couple of hours and the house has to be tidy.  That means I have to tidy it!

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