
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A Graduation trip to Chicago!

I've been missing from bogland for a while-sorry about that.

Several months ago my oldest son, Steve, told me he would have finished his
Master's degree in Data Science and would walk.
He lives in San Diego, CA.
His Master's Degree is from Elmhurst College.
In Elmhurst, IL.
Ah, the wonders of the internet!
I suggested that the rest of the family make the trip up
to Elmhurst, IL to watch.
At first we had planned to surprise him but the cat got out of the bag.
He got to anticipate seeing all of us instead!
Lots of photos ahead!

Nora, his daughter, trying out all the "stuff"
A Future Graduate.

Steve, his wife Candice and Nora

The silly Siblings!

This one is better, although Beth still has on her shades!
Left to Right-Beth, Rob, Scott and Steve in the middle!

That added their Mom to this one!

A very proud day for this Mom!

Steve's requested this photo under the college sign.
Beth, Lucas the boys and I flew up Tuesday evening (it really works well to have one adult for each boy) and on Wednesday we went to the Brookfield Zoo.  Spent the day looking at animals and seeing a dolphin show.  Every one had a different favorite animal-mine was the brown bears.

Rob and Tanya arrived that day as well as did Steve, Candice and Nora.
Thursday, we headed into Chicago and the Field Museum of Natural History.
We rode the Amtrak train into Chicago, walked to the "L", rode the "L", then walked some more.
And all along we were figuring out how everything rapid transit worked.
The Field is an amazing museum.
I had been there before so I had an inkling what we were in for!
I enjoyed the First Nation clothing on display and the exhibit on Mass Extinctions.
Brayden really liked the Chinese Terra Cotta Warriors.
After the museum closed we went to find the famous Chicago Pizza.
Much more filling that anyone could expect!  I carried off three pizza boxes of leftovers! (Which we never did eat!)
It's amazing how shocked hostesses are when you tell them you need seating for 11 (0r 12 after Scott arrived.)
Revived by food some of us wanted to go up in the Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower) to overlook the metro from way up high.
I stayed on the ground thank you very much.
After that we went back to Elmhurst, some by train, some by auto.
Rob said his step counter said he'd taken 20,000 steps that day!  I have short legs so I likely took twice that many-and we don't want to think about how many the boys took!

I was tired on Friday.
I stayed away from downtown!
Instead I met up with Steve, Candice and Nora.
While Steve bought new eyeglasses -his broke- Candice, Nora and I went and had our nails done. 
All 20 of them.
I chose RED polish-that's never happened before.
Scott got in late that night.
Bri and Ryan had to stay home as Ryan had brought home a case of pneumonia!  (Poor baby)

Sunday, Steve, Candice, Nora, Scott and I went to the Art Institute.
I had heard of the Thorne miniature rooms there-always said if I ever made it to Chicago I'd for sure see them!
Also did the Impressionist exhibit and saw the Chagal window.
After lunch I hoofed it over to the Navy pier to meet up with Beth and Family.
Scott, Rob and Tanya had already left for home.
After a nice rest at the end to watch the boats we had a short meet up with Steve's group, 
then a water taxi ride back to where the car was parked (sort of)
Then it was off the the airport to come home.
My head finally hit my pillow about 1 am.

I could never live in Chicago.
I'm too much in love with the wide open spaces!

1 comment:

  1. Huge congrats to your son..... Such a great reason for the family to gather....
