
Tuesday, March 1, 2016


In typical March fashion today was much colder than yesterday, also not windy.  However, we didn't see a drizzle of the rain, possibly mixed with snow, that was forecast.  It is very dry.  There have been lots of grass fires out in farmland.  Although I haven't heard of any in "Town" it's only a matter of time if rain does not come soon. Fire weather advisory has been around for a week and continues through tomorrow at least.  Tomorrow is to be much warmer (again) and windy (again).  The spring weather roller coaster has arrived!  It brought allergies and asthma with it-bummer.

In other signs of spring, the daffys and tulips are well up, not budding yet though.  I noticed  buds on all the shrub roses and actual NEW leaves on one of them.  The Lenten Rose is blooming-during Lent!  Most of my plants bloom at odd times-the Christmas cactus blooms for Valentine's day for example.  The grass is greening up as are the pastures-the trees are still brown and gray, it'll be a couple of weeks yet for them.  I don't know how I feel about spring coming-we didn't really have winter and spring is so short-the HOT weather will be here soon-YUCK.

I was out and about most of today so not much stitching.  Just some work on Nora's sock.  Again, the list went unfinished.  I suppose I should give  Chookyblue's advice a try and MAKE A SHORTER LIST!


  1. lol.........make an achievable list for the next few days and you will feel good when you achieve it.......

  2. My advice is to make a long list and mark the ones you really want to achieve. Then work on the others one at a time. You never know how much you really can do until you try. My weekly to-do lists are long and I usually don't get to all of it but some weeks I do more.

  3. Long lists of things to do depress me. When I do make a list (rarely) I only ever put three things on it. Much more encouraging to cross of a third of the list rather than a 33rd!
