So far this year I've read:
For this one I took away a couple of interesting ideas. Only one of which came directly out of the book. That's the point in reading for me, to make me think. So first off--almost everything is an act of creation. Whether it's art, writing, photography, sewing etc or math, computer programming, medicine-the list could include anything where you are thinking of a new way to do something or interpret something that's creation. Second, that I should't be afraid to show the world my creation because it isn't perfect. I am a perfectionist. I admit it. That said cross-stitch and quilting have taught me that sometimes it's just not worth the trouble to fix a small mistake, and what's the old saying ? "Only God is perfect."
I also read a couple of new books on my Kindle --Kelly Elliott's Who We Were and Ava Miles's The Promise of Rainbows. Both were enjoyable and will be read again. I do that quite often, re-read books I like, re-watch movies I like, re-runs on TV No Problem.
I'm currently reading Rising Strong. I'm not far enough into it to gleam useful things yet. Well one, that writing down your feelings is very helpful to you overall. More later, maybe.
The Bottom books are the trilogy of Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series. Given to me at Christmas by Rob. Scott, Rob and I often read the same fantasy books and talk about them. I hated to see the end of the Wheel of time books because they gave us something in common. One of my favorite, and most often repeated, memories is of going with Scott to see one of the Lord of the Rings movies on opening day. He and I sat in the very back row of a packed theater. The row was filled with young men and me. I still smile at that one. I still like the back row too!
I'm hoping to report on Suzie O'Connell's new book which I should be beta reading any day now! I love that I am one of the first to read her latest book!
And now I'm going to bed to read!
Quite a diverse range of reading material there. I think the only book I've ever read-read was Jerome K Jerome's Three Men in a Boat.