On Tuesdays, I'm trying to spotlight an organization that is doing good in the world. Today, I want to shine the light on Team Rubicon. Begun by a handful of Middle East Vets during the aftermath of the earthquake that devastated Haiti. After big aid was not taking any volunteers, they gathered some medical and other supplies and flew to the Dominican Republic and then into Haiti by land. That was only the first of many, many disasters so they recruited more former military peeps and I believe they said they were up to 35,000 members who respond to disasters worldwide. They have a complete list of the places they've deployed help on their website teamrubiconUSA.org, it's long. They currently have people in St Louis helping with the aftermath of all the flooding. They also have local service projects members take part in to keep up their skills (for the next disaster) and to remain connected to the group. While not completely made up of military vets their emphasis is there because vets have a need to serve their country even when they are no longer in the service.
Their website has much more information, video clips and ways to help them so please check it out.
Their Motto: We Do Chaos
Their slogan: Disasters are our business--Veterans are our passion.
I saw them interviewed on the Jimmy Fallon Show. They seem to do a great deal of good.