
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Folks doing good!

This week I'm going to spotlight!  Founded by Maggie Doyne several years ago.  Maggie graduated high school and instead of going straight off to college she took her backpack and traveled around the world.  In Nepal she met a little girl and she wanted to try to do something for all the children she saw without family, without anything really.  So she called home and asked her parents to empty her savings account ($5000.00 of baby sitting and birthday money) and send it to her.

That seed money began the Kopelia Valley Children's Home and School.  Maggie now has 350 students in the school and 50 or more children that she had legal custody of, including the original little girl!

This year Maggie was honored as CNN's hero of the year.

Maggie says that one person can change everything for someone in the Blink of an eye and wants everyone to BlinkNow.

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