
Sunday, January 10, 2016

All Day Stitching!

I spent almost the entire day sewing!  Most of it on Kolby's stocking.  Finally got the white back in and the back-stitching done on the top half of the piece.  I hope to be finished with the rest this week. Then I can start on Nora's IF (and it's a big one) I can find a large enough piece of 22 count Aida in cream.  The place I usually go to for the fabric didn't have enough of it.  I'd really like to get enough for the last three so I have it on hand when Nora's is done.  I did get the seed beads I needed though.

I did put in a little time on the hexie quilt, very slow going.

It's gotten very cold here. 16F actual and 6F with the wind chill.  I've closed all the blinds and drapes to help keep the house warm and put another quilt on the bed! Warmer tomorrow!

House work to do tomorrow, then more stitching after dinner.  Boring.

1 comment:

  1. Those stockings are works of art. a whole day to sew is a bit of great but then when temps are -8 degC (feels like -14) you wouldn't catch me outside. My that's cold. It never gets that cold here. I'd be blue and I like the cold!
