
Sunday, January 24, 2016

A new cookbook!

I collect cookbooks.  I just can't help myself!  I have quite a number of them and most of them I've yet to make anything found within.  Largely because the recipes make enough to feed a small army and I am one.  This past week I added yet another to the collection.  I've already made two things from it and both were delicious!

The cookbook is---Mug Meals: Delicious Microwave Recipes by Dina Cheney.
Seriously, all the recipes are a single serving, made in 5-10 minutes and cooked in a 16 ounce mug.  None of the recipes, that I've looked at, call for any unusual ingredients (I've found that in new cookbooks you will always have to buy some ingredient that you have to hunt all over to purchase and might never use again, especially if you don't like the food!)  I was at the point of just going out to eat all my meals-quite opposite to my intention of only eating out once each month.  So far I've had Pasta with melted butter and cheese (sort of macaroni and cheese) and French toast.  Tomorrow I'm having nachos.

Beyond the cookbook it's made me think of ways to make and freeze ahead single servings of other things.  Having the mug size will help make that simple.  Also this will be perfect for when I'm out in Ceili, a little work, very little mess. I'll let you know if I continue to like it!

So even though the 6 year old inside me wanted to hit Red Robin (Yum-m-m-!) for a burger and fries tonight this whole concept made me tell her no!  That alone might be worth the cost of the book.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same *disorder* but did some rationalisation last year. It's embarrassing having cook books that you've never cooked from but with food allergies/intolerances there are always lots of things I can't make anyway. I kept about a third and selected three books, marking three recipes from each to cook in a week. Donated the the unwanted books to a charity run book fair. I've made mug desserts but never anything savoury. Please continue to review the different recipes. As there are only two of us, leftovers are kept for lunches or frozen for days when I'm too tired to cook. Sometimes I'll make a batch of something - bolognese sauce or chicken/vegetable for example - which I freeze into single portions. Quick defrost and I have a base for a meal. Helps with shopping too as I can buy bulk specials and I make good use of the crockpot. In winter, I'll make batches of soups and freeze single serves - two of three flavours gives plenty of variety.
