I think I finally got enough flowers in the planter boxes on my deck rail! In fact, I think I put too many in! They really look fantastic this year-probably due to all the rain. Up on the header you see some of the Many Bells, I adore this plant but I like this one even more
These are double Many bells! Just like little roses.
Don't you love the color of these double petunias?
Double petunias were one of my Mom's favorites and are somewhat hard to find in the nurseries here. Next year I think I'll try and grow them from seeds. Many bells as well, if I can find seeds.
The rest of the flower beds are too full of weeds for me to share. I did pull a few more today--at the rate I'm going I'll finish up about October--from the pepper bed and the driveway. I sprayed the cracks in front with Roundup (Something I never use, except this year when things are just out of control!) I don't want to spray much in back as Quinn might eat something and become ill.
I'm off to Columbia tomorrow for a family gathering welcoming Ryan and Co home! Must do a bit of work before bed tonight!
Some very pretty flowers indeed and I love those double petunias. Have a safe trip to Columbia and give Ryan a hug from me.