
Monday, February 23, 2015

Little Houses

Seven Rows of little houses!  The houses aren't perfect--oh boy are they imperfect--but I think it's kind of cute. Four more to sew together.  I had thought I'd do the machine quilting myself but I've about decided to have it done.  In the interest of it being DONE!  I'm all about finishing things up. And apparently beginning things as well, sigh.

So, tomorrow I'm off the St Louis for one final visit with Ryan and Co before they go to Boston.  They have set back the date for the transfer to March 17th as Ryan is not quite as big as they'd like.  We're also hoping the snow has stopped by then!  Scott and Bri have enough to deal with.

Had my yearly physical today-I guess I'm healthy.  A couple of referrals coming for eyes and one toe but no new meds or even changes to the ones I take.  More importantly, I'm safe to go in the NICU!

1 comment:

  1. Who has a perfect house? Not mine that's for sure. This is a striking quilt and Not a bad idea to have it done - that's a lot of quilt to wrangle. Everything is crossed for Ryan. Have a safe trip. Glad you passed your physical!
