Today being a school holiday for Martin Luther King (May he rest in peace) I spent my day with the "Big" boys! Brayden and Kolby are such fun these days and getting easier all the time. This morning they played on their Kindles while I did some housework and getting ready to travel then we went out to lunch! I asked them where they wanted to go yesterday and Brayden said La Fuente's (Mexican) Kolby said "No, we just went there." So today I asked Kolby where he would like to go--IHOP, Cracker Barrel, Ginger's etc and he said "La Fuente's"--What?! I accused him of buttering Brayden up but he said he just wanted their chicken. So, we invited Beth (Mommy) to join us as there is a La Feunte's very close to her work (like it took her longer to walk from her office to her car than it did to drive there!) We had fun, ate good food and had fried ice cream for dessert, so yummy! Mommy had to go back to work and we headed over to a new park for a little play time. Except there wasn't any place to park the truck! There were so many children on the play equipment they looked like ants at a picnic. The combination of no school and very warm weather had us all wanting to be outside. The boys decided they did not want to join the ant hill so we trucked on to their house. I played Mean Granna and made them go outside! It was over 60F. IN. January. Outside we went. They played a little garage soccer (don't ask) then got out these boomerang things--a triangle things, doesn't look at all like a boomerang--Kolby let his fly on their driveway and it disappeared! After searching High, low, over, under and on top the truck for quite a while I spotted it on the neighbor's roof--guess the wind took it, but it definitely did not return!
So they shot some hoops and I took pictures. Can't believe I actually caught the first two!
Kolby was looking darn cute checking out the truck! You can see from these how gorgeous it was outside today, I just enjoyed soaking up some sun! Then we went inside and watched How To Train Your Dragon 2--finished it up just in time for Mommy to get home!
Now, I have to go pack and make my bed! St. Louis tomorrow to see Scott, Bri and Ryan!
What a terrific day! Fried ice cream - yum! Not all boomerangs are meant to come back. Aborigines developed different types for different tasks. Have a safe trip to St Louis. When do you all head over to Boston?