
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

14/365 Lemonaia

This is part of my Lemonaia.  In Italy that's what they call the place the lemon trees come for the winter.  My Lemonaia is in my laundry room where the heat from the furnace, washer and dryer help to keep them warm.  I currently have 9 (I think) lemon trees grown from seeds, two clementine trees also grown from seeds and one lime tree that I purchased.  Lemons are the only one to really come up from seed, I had 30+ sprout a couple of years ago and I've been culling every year since.  Next winter I will need a new spot I think as they will get to big for the current arrangement!  I really want to add some oranges and tangerines to the citrus grove--maybe when I'm next in California I'll buy some small ones.

1 comment:

  1. It's a good thing I don't have to put my lemon and mandarin tree in a Lemonaia. They are both about 10-12 feet tall! Where I live used to be a citrus orchard many years ago now. (late 1800s early 1900s) The new settlers to the area quickly discovered that citrus fruit grow really well here - just the right conditions. Eureka is just about the best you can grow here.
