
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

What have I been up to?

Good question.  Last week I had Brayden here every morning, then drove him to computer camp.  Somewhere in there he learned to watch UTube and hacked his X-Box!  Eekk!  Another geek!
This week I'm picking Brayden and Kolby up at noon from Vacation Bible School and then we're hanging out and making some field trips.

I've been riding my bike still, BUT (and it's a big one) I'm having pain in the back of my knee and up to my hip.  Just like last summer, sigh.  I'm hoping and hoping it isn't a returned cyst!  I have doctor's appointments both tomorrow morning and Thursday morning, hoping I can get an MRI scheduled.  Because of that, I've cut riding back to every other day.:((  I am doing 15 miles now though but it's beginning to look shaky for that 35 miler, for the second year in a row.  The pain is not yet severe so I'm hoping to catch it early, I'll let you know.  On the days I don't ride Quinn and I are walking at least three miles as I still need to get in my 10,000 steps.

I have lost a total of 17 lbs!  Some of my pants no longer need to be unbuttoned to take them off (Some of them barely stay up!)  It's a nice problem to have but summer clothes are nearly gone from the stores, so I'm hoping to make due until fall.  Although if it stays cool like it is now (70F today's high, last nights low was 54F) I won't need to worry about it as jeans will be the clothing of choice and while they are looser they're not to the falling off stage yet! (And are much easier to replace, year round.)

I've been working on Kolby's Christmas stocking every day, making some progress.  I have to show you tomorrow.  Tonight I'll work on that again and trim Hill Country Spring for binding.  Would like to have that sewn on to take to Scott's this weekend and stitch down while we visit.  (I always take something and rarely work on it!)

Wish I was doing something more exciting!  I am enjoying the cool weather while it hangs around!

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