
Thursday, March 27, 2014


I, along with most folks around here, are wondering if spring is ever going to show it's face!  There are some signs-the crocus are blooming in all their purple glory, some of the trees show that red haze that occurs just before the leaves pop out, and I noticed this morning that the weeping willow I can see from my kitchen has a green haze (it's always first to leaf out)-BUT snow is in the forecast for tomorrow!  At least we have had no more frigid weather and we did get some much needed rain last night, BUT it is quite windy and too cool to enjoy being outside for long.  Unless, of course, you are Quinn and wearing a nearly water-proof fur coat!

Weather being what it is I'm still suffering from cabin fever.  I have scanned roll after roll of newspapers on microfilm looking for articles written by John Calvin McCoy as well as those written about the others I'm researching.  Then,d I've spent hours and hours typing those articles into my word processor (can't say Word as I have a Mac and use Open Office).  Yesterday, I was reading in 1879 and 1880 Kansas City Journal, there were some articles outside my research I found quite interesting.  First, there were articles about a war being fought in Afganistan, and there was an article on how food was being poisoned-made me think "the more things change the more they stay the same."  Trite but true.  Second, I noticed how much was written about Ireland.  I have a special Ireland shaped place in my heart so I really took notice of that.  Much was written about Parnell and his activities, and the hunger of the Irish people (this was the last Potato famine, and resulted in hunger without the mass deaths of previous famines)-lots of Irish aid societies- there was even one article about O'Connell.

I've also been finishing up the "Twisted" flimsy:
  Sorry about the photo, I haven't a place to spread it out except the guest bed (it's future home).  I'm hoping to get up the courage to cut the back and sew it together tonight--it's hard to cut into an 8yd piece knowing I might have made a mistake in my arithmetic (never my strong suit).  Then when the batting its trimmed down it will be ready to take to Robin, my talented long-armer, to be quilted.  Only the back is needed for Hill Country Spring as well but again having trouble cutting into that fabric!  Soon I hope to have two more finishes for 2014.  I have some nine patches going as leaders and enders, some blocks ready to set-I'm going to try some quilt-as-you go on my machine for those, the hexies but no new projects in quilting!  Of course, I have other projects in other areas too numerous to mention as this post has grown long as it is!

Off to do my exercises, stretch and meditate, then after lunch it's Museum day!

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